Page 1288 - 1970S

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The modem woman mfiJt keep fit
and set
the example
taking time
of he1·
sched11le lo do it.
following thought: A married woman's
responsibility - especially one who
has little children -
first and fore–
most to be a homemaker,
to be a
The wife of Proverbs 31 was not
the wife of a poor man unable to
support his farnily. The wife in this
case had maids and other servants.
The husband was respected and suc–
cessful. Today's successful wife has
many "maids" - in fact one auto–
matic dishwasher has the brand name
Proverbs more fumly underscores
the tragedy of our times - husbands
unable to support families. This
is a reflection on their own ability
as breadwinners and on the society
which spawns this kind of financia!
Many couples have gotten married
long before they wcre capable of rear–
ing and supporting a family.
In many cases familics do havc
grave .financial problcms. There are
multitudes of cases where the husband
providing for thc family. He
may have died without providing for
the needs of his widow. Or he may
have desertcd the family. There may
be a divorce situation in which the
husband is not even fulfilling bis
legal responsibility to support his
farnily. In sorne iostances illegitimate
babies are involved. Situations such
as these often make it necessary for
the woman to work. These are not
wholesome situations. But in today's
society, there may be no othcr suitable
Therefore, it is possible that a
woman may
be able to properly
fulfill her role in this aspect of her
life. However, there
other arcas
in which she
not at the merey of
circumstances. One of these concerns
the proper development of her mind.
Needed: Right Education
Proverbs 31 shows that a woman is
to have developed a keen intellectual
and social ability: "She talks shrewd
sense, and offers kindly counsel"
(verse 26). Throughout this chapter
there is a definite emphasis on mind,
on purpose and on hard work.
The Proverbs say of a happily mar–
ried woman: "Her sons congratulate
her, and thus her husband praises her:
'Many a woman does nobly, but you
far outdo them all
Charros may wane
and beauty wither, keep your praise
for a wife with brains; give her due
credit for her deeds, praise her in
public for her services" (verses 28-31).