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modero view based on the unproved
and unprovable evolutionary concept.
e are here viewing the
other side
of a two-sided question, to compare,
to weigh the one side against thc
other. And Jet the reader, upon view–
ing the claims, make his own decision
as to which is the more logical, rational
and apparently TRUE case. Judge, after
viewing the evidences, which alterna–
tive more accurately accounts for, and
EXPLAINS, the wretched conditions in
this sick world today!
The Bíblica[ statements make it
clear that angels, though created and
composed of SPIRIT ( not material sub–
stance), are intelligent beings, of
minds equal or superior to human
minds. And that they also were en–
dowed with free moral agency - the
power of making free choice.
Now what was the sin of the angels
who became demons? And WHY did
they leave their habitabon, Earth? The
prophets lsaiah and Ezekiel explain,
and add much.
o rld Peace Coming
In thc 14th chapter of Isaiah, be–
gjnning verse 4, is a taunt-song against
"king of Babylon." This
prophecy is not referriog to the ancient
king of Babyloo, Nebuchadnezzar,
who lived 600 years before Christ.
The time setting is shortly future from
Notice this amazing prophecy.
has been grossly misunderstood. To
understand the TIME of the prophecy,
we need to view it in context, begin–
ning with chapter 13.
The 13th and 14th chapters go
together. Chapter 13 of Isaiah begins,
' 'The oracle concerniog Babylon .... "
This oracle - or prophecy - con–
cerning Babylon occupies chapters 13
God is indignant against this
(yet future) "Babylon," of which the
Babylon of around 600 B.C. was the
type and forerunner. God is mustering
hosts to battle to destroy the land
of this coming "Babylon."
Beginning verse 6, ( chapter 13)
it is the time when "the day of the
Lord" is at hand. That is a time spoken
of in many prophecies in both Old
and New Testaments, when the Bible
says GOD will intervene supernaturally
in world affairs - a time when God
says, "l will punish the wocld for
their evil, and the wicked for their
iniquity ... " (verse 11). This is the
time starting shortly prior to the com–
ing of the Messiah in supreme POWER
and GLORY to set up WORLD GOVERN·
MENT, to rule ALL nations, and by the
Government of God to bring in
Then chapter 14 continues into the
time after Messiah's coming.
God is going to restore Israel to
their ancient land,
from a condition
of slavery.
The nations who shall have
held them as slaves (yet future from
now) will be caused to take them
back to their ancient land. And the
people of Israel "shall take them cap–
tives, whose captives they were; and
they [Israel] shall rule over their
oppressors. And ... the Eterna! shall
give thee rest ... from the hard bond–
age .... "
It is NOT speaking of the Israelis
dwellíng in that land today. They did
not return there from slavery, were
not taken there by former captors, are
not holding such former captors as
slaves - do
have peace and rest,
but war and
of war from sur–
rounding Arabs. Other prophecies do
refer to the Jews (Housc of Judah)
being in that land today. But this
prophecy speaks of a time shortly
future from now - possibly three to
five years
or more.
is at the time described in the
above three verses that "Thou shalt
take up this proverb (margin, "taunt–
song") against the king of Babylon,
and say, 'How hath the oppressor
ceased! the golden [margin, "arro–
gant' 'J city ceased !' " (Verse 4.) This
king of Babylon is their former captor
who shall have held them as slaves.
His city, the arrogant or golden city
- a weU-known world capital.
continues, "The Eterna! hath
broken the staff of the wicked, and
the sceptre of the rulers. He who
smote the people in wrath ... he that
ruled the nations in anger .... " No–
bce, this coming "king of Babylon"
will (yet future) rule nations - more
than one - and " ... is persecuted,
and none hindereth. The whole earth
is at rest, and is quiet; they break
forth into singing. Yea, the fir trees
rejoice at thee, and the cedars of
Lebanon ..." (verses 6-8).
is very plain that the TIME is
the coming of the Messiah in
supreme POWER and GLORY to rule
al! nations, and bring us WORLD PEACE
- in the happy WORLD TOMORROW!
A Prophecy for Today
This "king of Babylon" is the fu–
ture ruler over the prophesied "United
States of Europe" - the coming
resurrected "Holy Roman Empire,"
descríbed in prophecies of Revelation
17 and 18. It is a system described
in Revelation 13 which was given its
power and seat by Satan.
Then in verse 12, the type - this
human king of Babylon - lifts to
the arch-antitype, Satan. Satan is to
be removed and bound after the Mes–
siah's coming. Ezekiel's prophecy, to
be described later, reveals that he is
the former archangel cherub, Lucifer.
So contioue, verse 12:
"How art thou fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning! how
art thou cut clown to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations! For
thou hast said in thine heart, I will
ascend into heaven, 1 will exalt my
throne above the stars of God: I will
sit also upon the mount of the con–
gregation, in the sides of the north:
I wiU ascend above the heights of
the clouds; I will be like the most
High" (lsaiah 14:12-14). The 15th
verse returns to the human king.
Notice, this former archangel had
been placed as ruler over the angels
that sinned. He had a throne. He said
he would exalt his throne above the
stars (angels) of God. It already was
exalted above the angels on earth -
the angels that sinned with him. Now
he was going to exalt it over Goo's
ANGELS in heaven. He was going to
invade God's heaven, knock God off