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the throne of the universe, and rule
the whole universe!
We learn much more about this
cherub who became Satan in Ezekiel
Here, beginning verse 1, the hu–
man prince of Tyre is referred to,
wealthy (chapter 27), surrounded by
perfect beauty, saying in his vain
am a God," -
sit in the
seat of God" (verse
2) -
with II Thessalonians 2:3-4.
Compare also Ezek.
with Rev.
All these refer to the same
system. However, Ezekiel
refers to
Tyre, as a forerunner or
type of the present and yet future
system. Then, as in Isaiah 14, the
human type lifts to the satanic anti–
type in Ezek.
28: 12:
"Son of man, take up a lamentation
[ dirge] upon the king of Tyrus
J .... "
The whole prophecy of
to the
ruler of the ancient city of Tyre (as
does chapter
but to an important
personage, in Satan's hand,
of our
and immediate future - just
before the coming of the Messiah to
remove Satan and bring in world
peace. Therefore the prophecy points
to the END of this great personage
ruling spiritually over nations - as
well as to Satan's removal from sway–
ing mankind on earth. Now, begin–
ning with verse
and on to the
middle of verse 17, it speaks of Satan
So, continue: " ... and say unto
him, Thus saith the Lord Eterna!;
Thou sealest up the sum, full of wis–
dom, and perfect in beauty. Thou hast
been in Eden the garden of God;
every precious stone was thy covering
... the workmanship of thy tabrets
and of thy pipes [music) was prepared
in thee in the day that thou wast
A Created Being
Notice, this is not speaking of a
human, but a CREATED being. God
would never say of a human that he
seals up the sum total of wisdom,
perfection and beauty. Tben who was
this great created being, originally?
"Thou art the anointed cherub that
covereth; and I have set thee so," an–
swers God.
Exodus 25:17-20, you
will find the description of the very
throne of God in heaven, from which
He rules the entire vast limitless uní–
verse. On this throne are two cheru–
bim - super archangels - whose
wings spread out and
the throne.
This personage, then, is the former
Lucifer, who was at the very throne
of the universe, thoroughly experi–
enced in tbe Government of God over
the universe. Now he is pictured as
being on earth. But he had been, for–
merly, at the very throne of God,
as the next words plainly say:
" ... thou wast upon the holy
mountain of God; thou hast walked
up and clown in the miclst of the
stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in
thy ways from the day that thou wast
created, till iniguity [lawlessness]
wast found in thee."
Then Gocl attributes to him vio–
lence, sin, corruption of wisdom, per–
version, saying he became proud -
his heart lifted up because of his
beauty. Then, in verse 17, the immor–
tal spirit antitype descends again to
the human type, who will be a chief
instrument in Satan's hands in the
tremendous world events just prior to,
and leading to the coming of the
Messiah to establish the GoVERNMENT
oF GOD over all earth's nations.
This human personage, claiming to
be God, sitting in his sanctuary (verse
showing that he is God (11 Thes.
2 :3-4), is to be clestroyed by FIRE,
brought to ashes (verse
with Revelation
In the latter,
two human personages, instruments of
Satan, are picturecl - one a civil ruler
over ten kings and their nations, the
other called a great "False Prophet"
(Rev. 19:20). The prophecy of Isaiah
14 pictures the king of Babylon as
the civil ruler.
So now, let's recapitulate thus far.
We have coverecl prehistory- before
MAN ! The earth was created - accord–
ing to the Bible.
was created by the
Creator God. lt was a perfect creation.
The angels shouted for joy. From
creation, it was populated by angels.
There was a throne, on which sat
Lucifer, a super archangel, a cherub.
He had been thoroughly experienced
in the aclministration of the Govern–
ment of God, having been at the
very throne of God in heaven. God
had placed Lucifer on the throne on
earth to administer THE GOVERNMENT
OF GoD over earth's angels.
There was happiness, peace, joy
on earth. Of Lucifer, the Moffatt
translation reads: "From tbe day you
were created, you lived a perfect life,
were discovered doiog wrong"
God did not create
a clevil, but a beautiful, perfect super–
angel. But God did give to His angels
free moral agency - minds that were
free to think ancl reasoo - the right
of free choice.
Lucifer had allowed bis beauty and
perfection to fill him with vanity -
with SELF-glory, SELF-desire. He be–
carne envious of God's power, resented
authority over him. He plotted with
his angels to marshal them into an
invading army, to invade the heaven
of God, to knock God off the throne
of the Universe. Lucifer was going
to BE God. It is his deceptive sway
over the "Prince of Tyre" that will
yet cause this personage to claim that
HE, a man, is God.
So Lucifer was no longer "LtGHT–
Bringer" but now an ADVERSARY -
an Aggressor, a Competitor, an En–
emy. The name Satan
sary." His angels now became DEMONS.
They were a third of all the angels
(Rev. 12
But both Satan and his
clemons were cast back clown to earth
- same verse.
As a result of this earth-wide RE–
BELLION against the Government of
God, the earth's surface carne to be
in a condition of chaos and confusion.
And, very IMPORTANT: Satan is now
to administer God's gov–
ernment over the earth! BuT
a principie of God's government that
the state must never be without a
head. Consequently, Satan must be
left here
bis successor has been
inducted into office!