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reasons for men's pathetic p light today.
This short-short outlinc of history
will begin at the beginning
all the
way back into prehistory, whcrc Bibli–
cal claims found in various parts of
the Bible make sorne very startling
revelations, not generally understood
even by the theologians. From pre·
history, back to the very
we shall quickly trace the outline of
hi story to the present, and through
prophecies, on into the eterni ty
Very few, evcn among thc more
scholarly theologians, recognize all that
thi s world's "best seller" reveals in
this amazing revelation about man -
how he carne,
he is, and where
he is going.
The condition in this wor ld, at the
moment, is so seriously sobering it
would be the folly of fools to close
one's mind to this revelation, which
does purport to show us the
- the way to
and not only
the way to survival, for survival
alone is
We need
survival in peace, in happiness, in
universal prosperity and health, in
abundant well-being.
T his is a d1allenge to
these positive claims, stated as from
authority, with the speculations, ad–
missions of ignorance, and baseless
theories that have won such wide ac–
ceptance in a wodd just about to
" In the Beginning .. .' '
begin, then, at the beginning -
the lirst verse, first chapter, lirst book
io the Bible - Genesis
"In the beginning God created the
hcaven and the earth."
does not say "must have," "could
have," or "perhaps." It is simply the
plain statement, as a fact, as by an .
author wbo
the facts and is not
guessing. It is a statement authorita·
tively expressed.
does not say when.
Neither here, nor elsewhere in the
Biblc. So far as revelation goes, sioce
the date is not revealed, it could have
been anywhere f rom sorne 6,000 years
to sevcral billion yea rs ago.
But Moses wrote these words in
Hebrew. And the
lebrew verb in
1: l
does imply a perfect ere·
ation, not one in chaos and confusion.
The Bible represents God as thc
God who does what
The book of Job shows God talking
with Job about the creation. God is
saying to Job, "Wherc wast thou when
laid the
oundations of the earth ?"
There is thc impl ication here that Job
had directcd the building of some very
g reat edifice - such as the great
pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Job was
righteous and somewhat proud of his
accomplishments. God was whittling
him clown to humility by a comparison
of accomplishments.
God continues, "Who hatl1 laid tbe
measures thereof, if thou knowest?
or who hath stretched the Jjne upon
it? Whereupon are the foundations
thereof fastened [margin, "sunk"] ?
or who laid the comer stone thcreof
when thc morning stars sang together,
and all the sons of God shouted for
joy ?" (Job
It is significant that the great pyra·
mid is a building whcre the corner
stone is not laid in thc foundation, but
the final stone to be laid - at the
pinnacle. The "morning stars" are
light- (truth-) bringing angels and
archangels, according to Biblical inter–
pretation of symbols. As creat ions of
God, they also are referred to as "aJI
the sons of God." So this, too, implies
a perfect and glorious creation of the
Sinning Angels
Humans are not mentioned
conncction or as of that time. Angels
are. Other passages of the Bible in–
dicate that, originally, the earth was
populated by angels, not by humans.
This may come as a real surprisc to
many readers. But it is the plain
representation of the Bible.
ude 6-7: "And the angels
which kept not their lirst estate, but
left their own habitation, he hath
reserved in everlasting chains under
darkness unto the judgment of the
great day. Even as Sodom and Go·
morrha, and the cities about them in
ike manner, giving themselves over
to forn ication, and going after strange
flesh, are set forth for an example,
su ffering the vengeaoce of eterna!
fi re."
These angels, as attested by other
passages, became demons upoo sin–
ning. The estate they left was this
earth. It wi ll be explained later why
they left it. So these angels sinned.
"For if God
spared not the angels that s111ned, but
cast them clown to
and delivered them into chains of
darkness [error, perversion], to be
reserved unto judgment: and spared
not the old world, but savcd Noah
thc eighth pcrson, a prcacher of
righteousness, bringing in the llood
upon the world of the ungodly; and
turning the cities of Sodom and
Gomorrha into ashcs, condemned them
with an overthrow, making them an
ensample unto those that after should
live ungodly; and del ivered just
Lot. ..."
Notice, first,
second, the
humans of the old world, third, the
pcople of Sodom and Gomorrha, all
three sinned . Phys ical destruction to
the earth resultcd from thc sins of the
old world and of Sodom. Universal
physical destruction occurs to the earth
wherc universal sin occurs. Oíd not
the sin of the angcls, then, bring earth–
widc physical destruction to the earth?
We shall see.
Angels Sin?
One might ask, "How could angels
sin? Are they not supposed to be
holy - perfect - beyond sinning ?"
Of course it is not intellectually fash–
ionable, in many cirdes today, to be·
lieve angels exist . You probably will
lind no mention of them in most his–
But thc Bible says a great dcal about
angels, and about demons. In many
religions demons have been regarded
as gods. But, as
suggested earlier,
let's examine the Biblical record. Ad–
mittedly it is not in accord with the
PlAIN TRUTH Moy 1972