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Unmanned Spacecraft has also been sent from earth to
Mars and Venus though they are millions of miles from the
earth and from each other.
However what makes the use of the computer so great is the
brain it has inside of
it-the tiny microchip.
Without it the
computer would be virtually useless. It makes possible the
processing of information that is fed into it.
The Birth of the Microchip
The electronics revolution was built on developments in three distinct fields: human–
computer interface, which connected people to
their machines; networking, which connected the
machines together; and, most importantly,
microchips - the machines themselves.
The U.S. government, and more specifically, the
Defense Department's Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA), unquestionably played
the decisive role in the development of the first
two fields.
The history of the microchip, however, which powers everything from computers to cell
phones to CD players, contained many contributions from both government and
industry, here and abroad.
Mankind's History
Though little is known about the Pre-Flood World of Noah that existed for
approximately the first 18 hundred years from the creation of mankind, however since
that time until the 1700s, mankind lived a much different and simpler way oflife.
The following excerpt gives us a picture of what life was like in the
early 2oth century in contrast to what civilization is like today.
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, Author's
Statement, Page vii, excerpts:
"I have lived a long, active, interest-packed life covering the last eight
and one/half years of the 19th century and all of the 2oth to the present