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Pastor's Comments
March 21 - Apri112, 2014
This writing is the third chapter of my new book:
Your Awesome Mind.
Once the
chapters have been completed in the Pastor's Comments it will
then be posted on our website.
The Computer Age
Creative Possibilities within the Human Brain
With its marvelous created capabilities contained within the Human Brain, when
coupled and empowered with intellect by the spirit in man constitutes MIND. And when
used constructively can take MAN to the heights of possibilities undreamed of even
within the physical realm.
To try and enable understanding in this area, a contrast will be made with man's
greatest achievement- the computer.
The nations of this world are well into the computerized age. And virtually all of man's
technological advances are due to the computer and its tiny microchips.
By far the computer is one of man's greatest
inventions. With its use he is accomplishing
phenomenal feats that were beyond his wildest
imagination until just a few years ago.
And astonishing as it may seem to be there seems to
be no limit to the applications that can be developed
and put into use with the computer.
Astronauts in the spacecraft Apollo were guided and
landed safely on the moon by their use.
It seemed incredible at the time that this could ever take place! For the first time in
man's history, A MAN, Neil Armstrong, was able to walk on the surface of the moon.
Since then numerous trips have been made to the moon and other men walking on it
with no longer any surprise at all.