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I have lived through the horse and
buggy age, the automobile and
industrial age, the air age, the
nuclear age and now into the space
I have seen America live through
the agrarian age when farmers
ploughs singing happily, and into
the urban age when Midwest
American farmers groaning and
fighting for more government
subsidies to prevent the extinction
of farm life.
I have seen this 2oth century developed into an awesome state of advancement and
achievement industrially and technologically...."
Editor's Comments: Having been born in the 2oth century, 1926, this writer has lived
through much of that time as well. I can also look back to my childhood to the horse and
wagon days, the Model T and Model A Cars that were in use at that time.
The Beginning Change of Civilization
It is very interesting that civilization began experiencing a change from the way they
lived before 1775. Numerous inventions began taking place in that century that made life
a lot more convenient; such as the first reliable steam engine, the cotton gin, steamboat
service on the Hudson river, telegraph, sewing machine, telephone, light bulb. Other
inventions began in the 1900s with the first airplane, and Model T Ford assembly line.
And in the 2oth century dramatic changes began taking place that were almost mind–
boggling leaving mankind almost overwhelmed and trying to adjust while making use of
these changes in their daily lives, work, and business.
INTERNET: Technology, science, and inventions have progressed at an accelerated rate
during the hundred years of the 2oth century, more so than any other century.