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?ASTOR'S REPORT, July 16, 1979
Page 5
Church members supported
Slaff Writer
The National Council of
Churches is supporting a group of
members of the Pasadena-based
Worldwide Church of God who
are seeking to intervene on be­
half of the church to invalidate a
state suit against the church.
Represented by the law firm of
Rosen, Remcbo and Henderson
of San Francisco, the National
Council . oi Churches has asked
the California Supreme Court to
grant the local church Pl{> a
hearing and allow the interven­
The local cb11rch members,
�lling themselves the Commit­
tee for Defense of Heiigious
Freedom, last February were
denied permission to enter the
case toseekan end to the receiv­
ership placed upon them by the
Superior Court.
At the time, Judge Robert I.
Weil said that the group, whos-e
lead plaintiff is Fred G. Lopez,
was not seeking any relief not
a1ready sought by the church's
attorneys on several previous
Action by the
represents a
s1gnific:rnt brPakthrough for tae
Wcr\owide Ctu., 1 ·.vhic·l :i2s
sought as3istc.Ji<.2 t: :mi r,.::,::mc1:
religious orgar.izations in its iignt
agai.,st the suit tha·: ch
c,1u .. r, ,€,Hiers \Jith mi&use of
ch,m:h L:nds.
'I""e :'.CC is a ; eligious coopera­
�:ve agency of 32 national Chris­
t:an rehgious bodies with a total
memh,rship oi rnore than 40
mi1lion persons.
· 'The N'ational Council of
Qmrcttcs suppt'r··:� i.beir ;>etitiGr1
be<'..aUII.? it directly challengescne
con:.t.UuHnr.a::v\· of California
.::od� :5ection !lfii05
as 4\ppheri tc ,.·e!\gfousgreepa
organized ?.s non-profit corpora­
tions," attorru,y Robin B. Johan­
son wrote to the 2upr�me Court.
"We urge you to accept this
case for :tearing i.n order· to re­
solve the fundam1:nta! questions
wh1ch ii :i:·aises frbol..'t the -prop�r
role ot: the ii.21� ,r cburch af­
fain," she :,;aia.
If. tbe Supreme Court 1unt1
the hearing the NCC will fik: an
an amicus curiae brief insupport
of the loca� chur�h members,
said Ms. ,iohan:.rou.
The attorn�y general claims
that the �hurch a[ a non-profit
cha ritable orgariizati on fall,;
under the aegis c1f the Catifonia
Corporatk•ns ·Cof:c and therefore
the attn.�ey general's office bu
the auJ1orHv to ;is:mre that char­
itable t .r,.wts. cuch as churches,
eckcational institutions and the
b:e. conect �'l.f!d :-:pend money
according to tteir own arti.des of
t,uf the ,iCC daims that the
. stat2 h.c,s vio:ated the constitu­
tional right;; of the c.1urch.
• 'Tl'ie .\ICC 1.s ct�epty concerned
i ..
'le serio11s invasions of
First Amendment freedom that
have occu:-:·ed in the·Worldwide
Church d God receivershippro­
ceedings," �id Ms. Johanson.
"Quit� frankly, the National
Council has l1€v�: :)efore encoun­
tered such a ;m;stabed and de­
�;tructive govc,nrr.ent'!l as..ci2:.;lt
on religious freedom.
··The �rux of tne st3.te's argu­
ment appears to he that by incor­
porating as & religious non-pl"ofit
corporation, the churclt thereby
waived :ts basic First Amend­
ment rights, as well as its right
to claim the clergy-penitent and
attorney-client privileges,'' said
Ms. Johanson.
She continued, "The .;tate's
argum,mt that it has not V!oiated
any -constitutional proted.ions
apparently ignores the fad tha:t
the receiver has fired church
employees, scrutinfz.ed �hurch
records, including membership
lists aa1 t."OOfidential
'i.'athms, and intercepted �&d
stoppt;d a communication f!'om
the oastor t.o lile church's mem­
als.o �hat the state and
the ,-ial cm,;-t crroneousiv �
tend ;,.11at "His. '1.e prerogative ef
t11e (:ourt:s to dr:ti::-�mine ·wt>etw
a mattu is ,:c:::J ..esi.t�tical as
opposed to oosh�ess or fina.Dcill
:n natr�e. thi,s coming within iii
receivf!r's jurisdictivn and con­
Swee many d the religious
bodies in the �CC are o•.·ganized
as religious non-profit ccr:)()('lr
Hons. the NCC has a vital inter­
est in the case of the st.ite
against the Woridwide Church of
God. Ms. Johanson claims.
The Committee for Defente ol
Religious Freedom �s asse.-ted
it is :ndeoendent of �he church
Jnd :,eeks ,'(; l_·e:,s on its OWA
apar, Fron, the Jefense paid fm:
by the church.
�0��0�5� �cuncil of Churches is deeply concerned about the
v,,'o r l dwide
= ?::st Amenj�ent free�om ::.h2t ha�e occur�eci in
�G-�ch ::;� �::;j �ccei:e=ship proceedings.
J�ite frankly, the �ational
Council �as ne�er before encountered such a sustained and destructive
, ;:;_ ".L:Jt on religio1__;,s ."':ceedom.
The Ch'-1:-ch's reports of the
State's activi::.ies would �e almost unbelie�able were they not sucoorted in
=·""12. by co,..:.�·c
::.ranscri£)ts and writter; c:)cuments.
7he crux of the State's arq��ent appears to be that by incorporating as a
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