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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 16, 1979
Page 6
penitent and attorney-client privileges. Alternatively, the State appears
to a C,:iUe that none
these . rights have as yet been infringed, despite the
fact that State officic:ls l1.terally ran the Church between January 2, 19 7 9
and �1arch 2, 19 79 and would be ru.nni ng it sti_ 11 had not an appeal intervened"
Moreover, the State's argument that it has not violated any constitutional
protections apparently ignores the fact that the Receiver has fired Church
employeL�S, scrutinized church record:3, j_ncluding merr,
be:cship lists and con·­
fidenti2l communicatio11s, and interceptsd and stopped � communication from
the pastor to the Cl- urct1' s membership worldwide, Ir: addition, both the
Sta_e and the trial court contend that it is the prerogative of the courts
to detecmine whether a matter is ecclesiastical as oooosad to business or
�inancial in nature, thus coming within the Receiver�; jurisdiction and
control. As is ably pointed out in the petitions fo� hearina filed in this
and other related cases, the State's contentions fly in the iace of vir­
tually every recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States con­
cerning the relationship between church and state,
Footnote: The letter �y Ms. Johansen was received by the California
St.:preme Court on ,July 3rd a.nd t.he church's petition was then, ironically,
denied by the court on the 5th.
Due t, ':) the cou1·t' s involvement in the public he2rings conducted by the
Con�ission on Judicial Perform�nce, and the fact that the holiday of the
Fourth of July intervened, we cannot be sure that the court had time to
read the letter or even give any consideration to it.
On �c�nc,ay; ,July lS, Mr. r-Ierbert W. Armstrong begar.. taping a nevi format for
the :,lcI.·lJ '�'omcrrow Te1evisi::::n Proqram. The new prog1·ams will be inte;::-v.:'�ev,
sty le wit:c-1 lorigtime friend ,J.nd announcer Art Gilmore. These prograrns are
now being taped in Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong's home in Tucson in lieu of the
oLd :'.:or:nat where Mr, Armstrong preached sermons to live audiences around
�ne u�ited States.
F �- s Larters Mr. ArI':lstrong taped more than two hours worth of questions and
ans�ers. This new series will be topic oriented and the first two topics
ere,2 were or,_ government-- "Which .Shall We Obey--Ci
1i1 Government Or God's?"
, . ...�l-',e lines 0f Mr. Arrnstrong
s article in last weeks Pa3 tor's Report)
d:·� �n inside look int� M�. �rmstrong's personal meetings with world leaders.
���sc p�oorams should be airing en the stations starting around the middle
, ·
��u3t co the first week of September. Twc weeks ago, Mr. Armstrong
:ie.:.i 'Jt::red ::or videotaping two Feast messages, one for the opening Friday
ni�h= session, and then another for the keynote sermon �or the first morning
o:: ��2 ?ease. This year he delivered the sermons from his home with a small
at;dience sitting i;, front of him between the cameras, whereas last year M:.:.
_;c:r.s �:rong taped his Feast ;nessage at the Auditoriwn P. M. services.
We a�e now i� the process of preparing the tapes to be transferred to film.
Th is year ''·
i'2 will be sending out about 70 copies wo:i:ldwide. rrhe opening
Friday niqht we .] _
come mes cc.age is approximately fifteen minutes in length an::l
the keync�e sermon is abcuc �S minutes.
If all goes well the films will
be shipped to all overseas Feast sites during the second week o[ August.