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PAS�OR'S REPORT, July 16, 1979
Page 4
It is always best to buy a home with the thought in mind of how it will
sell. Also, with the price of gasoline going up, locations distant from
towns, shopping centers, and usual places of employment may be less attrac­
tive. A house that is the most expensive one in the block is generally a
poor investment.
Such a house will not hold or increase its value as
well as the houses around
While it tends to increase the value of the
houses around it, the surrounding houses tend to depress its value.
Ano�her problem in selling is setc�ng a realistic price. In a usual housing
ma:, et, the higher the price the qre2.ter the perioc. of time it will likely
take to sell. Therefore, the time available for selling a house needs to
be considered in setting a price. It is best ta be able to sell your house
before you move. A vacant house does not sell as well as one being lived
in. Also, the risk of vandalism and maintenance problems increases sub­
stantially. The normal risks resulting from changes in market conditions,
both in price and demand, need to be kept in mind as well.
We'll have more to say later on the subjects of transfers, living costs,
and housing as we develop information.
If any of you have specific topics
you feel should be discussed, or want to see a specific viewpoint discussed
or clarified, please let us know.
--Ted Herlofson, Ministerial Services
C�urch attorneys have moved swiftly to prepare and file
lawsuit to recover
stolen documents in the Attorney General's possession. hs reported last
week, the state had resisted in court all of our attorneys' efforts to
list of the documents it possessed until forced by court order to
do sc. The Church filed this lawsuit Thursday, July 11th, in Pasadena
Superior Court (whereas the state's action against the Church was initiated
in the �as Angeles Superior Co�rt).
�r. Jack Kessler, of the outside
acco�iting firm for the Ch�rch, will also be filing a suit for the return
or nandreds c:: documents which were removed from his office in Century City
in ear:; �anuary.
, , � - .:_: L :.. <.)F CHU RC l-lE S
_,: _-;i-:_:;Y-_'s �":::,te:
Following is an a:rc::-_i:le which appeared in last Saturday's
·, __ _ ·/ l�th) Pasadena Star-News.
:i: _
includes excerpts of :ctost cf c'- letter
:: t�e =alifornia Supre�e Court
a law firm representinJ the National
_..,ci:i._ ::_:,:: Churches, urging the �01-..rt to accept our request for a hearing
i_r tne State's case against the ::::r..1.-=.rch. This letter shows the kind of
s�0�crt God's Church deserves, and the National Council of Churches is will-
ve _ us.
, :,c, n-:c key paraci raphs of Ms. Johansen's lett2r were not quoted in their
t, ::�,:��'/
::.n the Star-News article, therefore follm,ing the article we have
i�c.:_�acd �he entire text of these two paragraphs for the interest of our
w�y, :er t�ose ��o may wonder what an amicus curiae (mentioned in
�-ls. c:;c,har:sen's _;_et ter) is, brie!'ly stated it rr.2ans a ''friend of the court."
This is
so�eone who is not a party
the case the court is considering,
j�r wh� is sLb�itting his view of the law and perhaps additional facts
help the
reach � proper