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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 2, 1979
Page 11
P.S. The expressed fear at the U.S. Embassy was that if someone in the
British or American governments condemned Ghana's "revolutionary
tribunals" (as per Iran), there would be reprisals against British and
U.S. nationals.
Mr. Bob Morton, Regional Director �or New Zealand and the Pacific, recently
visited the island nation of Fiji. To this date we have not had a congre­
ga.tion there although we have 22 members. As well as baptizing 5 new mem­
bers," I'1r.
Morton ordained our first elder there, Ratu Epeli Kanaimawi, and
a deacon to serve the growing congregation.
Forty-eight attended the first service, now to be held on a weekly basis.
Over 2600 Plain Truths are mailed to Fiji from New Zealand each month;
year-to-date indigenous income there is showing a +80% increase over 1978.
While there Mr. Morton held a small ministerial conference which also in­
cluded Mr. T. Ha'angana who flew from Tonga for the occasion.
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
A new scholarship program will be offered to certain students coming to
Ambassador College. It is called the Regional Scholarship Program.
Regional Director (or Area Coordinator in the U.S.A. and Canada) can nominate
the top applicants in his region/area for a one year full-tuition scholar­
ship. Each Regional Director/Area Coordinator can make his choice based
upon recommendations from the pastors of his region/area.
The person each pastor nominates should be the most outstanding prospective
Ambassador College student in his area. We are interested in those students
who excel not only in academics, but also have qualities of leadership and
character, havG a balanced personality and record of participation in various
activities. The applicant would be expected to apply for admission througlt
the Admissions Office and meet all named academic standards. Consider also
the financial need of your applicant. The person you nominate to your
Regional Director/Area Coordinator should have potential, if the opportunity
should arise, to be used in the Work in the future.
If you have anyone in your area who meets these qualifications please send
a letter to your Director/Coordinator stating the qualifications of your
applicant. The top applicants will then be forwarded to the College.
By the way, the next edition of the Worldwide News will carry an article
on this new scholarship program, so be aware that you may be approached
about it.
Also, I'd like to bring to your attention the fact that all applicants to the
College who have been involved in Y.O.U. are being considered by both the
Financial Aids Office and the Y.O.U. office for several Y.O.U. one-year full­
tuition scholarships which will be awarded in July. Although this year the
candidates are being selected without having to apply, please let your youth
know that they will be able to apply for this scholarship beginning with the
1980-81 school year. The qualifications are the same as for the Regional