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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 2, 1979
Page 10
The main problem is that the soldiers are not disciplined. They are
constantly drunk and then start beating up and shooting Lebanese (and
Ghanaians). The shootings are usually accompanied by looting,
especially in the Airport residential area and around Teshie (we are
in the middle, tho' on the other side of the road. We've had no
trouble in this suburb yet.) Teshie is right next to the roo.d that
takes you to Kumasi (large town north of Accra). Last Sunday, while
we were in Kumasi, there was a great deal of shooting in both areas.
At least six Britons were shot--allegedly mistaken for Lebanese. None
of the Britons died, fortunately. But it's put the wind up a lot of
people. At this time of year most whites go home on leave anyway, and
most say that they are simply bringing forward their leave. But many
men are sending out their wives and children. I've been asked a
number of times (by whites) if we are leaving, or if I'm sending Diane
and the children out. Oh, I forgot to mention that two of those shot
on Sunday were children.
Estimates ot the number of dead range from 300 upwards to about 700.
I know that people can easily exaggerate, but there is no way of either
confirming or disproving these figures. But the atmosphere is very
unpleasant. Shops are being forced to sell everything at the official
price. This morning I was asked to show the baby's weigh-in card to
obtain baby food. I didn't have it, but got some when I produced
Kurt. Soldiers just march into stores and force their way through to
the back, bringing out "hoarded" goods, and then sell them at controlled
prices. A site has been readied for a firing squad to shoot anyone for
hoarding or selling above the official price; or for corruption. I
don't think it's been used yet, but the mere sight of it in the news­
papers was enough for me.
But oGr major fear regards the car. Going to Kumasi a soldier demanded
a �i:t. Not uncommon, but I thought he was going to commandeer it.
Those who had their vehicles commandeered during the coup received some
hopes of getting them back yesterday. The radio announced that
cc;-;1D.andeerc::d vehi �les should be returned to the Air Force base (not
returned, I suppose, but at least taken there). Then the owners can
go and collect Lhem, a process which may take weeks.
�n �he way back from Kumasi, we had to open our boot (trunk) twice.
(Difficult since a minor accident. The difficulty makes them more
suspicious, as if we are purposely delaying.)
Anyway, as I say, we are not unduly worried and are staying at home as
much as possible, which isn't really much.
I've cancelled my intended
trip to Togo next week, as the Border Guards are causing people
I would feel safer if we had access to money enabling us to
leav2 in an emergency. But I suppose we'll just have to wait for an
RA? a_:;_rlift! No, I don't think it will come to that. But the next
few �onths are going to be difficult. The election is scheduled for
next �,1onday.
But the new government plans on cleaning up for some
(Forgot to mention, yesterday I got held up by a demonstration. I
couldn't read all the placards but they were directed against foreigners,
whether jusc Lebanese or not I don't know.)
:,,1eanwhile, I'm applying for another two-month visitor's visa.