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PASTOR'S REPORT, July 2, 1979
Page 9
All of us across the country will find it necessary, in the face of increas­
ing inflation, to be more selective on how we spend our money; and may
to revise downward certain aspects of our living standards.
Making do with
less is never easy, but that is essentially what is being forced on us by
For those few individuals who presently are receiving an area wage adjust­
ment, we will not be making any revisions immediately.
We feel it may be
best to make any changes gradually and hopefully in conjuction with cost
of living adjustments.
In a future Pastor's Report, we want to discuss
living, transfer costs, and purchasing houses.
this important area and want to keep all of you
available facts.
other aspects of cost of
We are continuing to study
informed of the latest
--Ted Herlofson, Ministerial Services
If you or any members have questions
regarding John D. Siemasko, a dis­
fellowshipped member, please contact
John D. Hammer at (615) 452-0876.
--Ministerial Services
This report is for those who feel they have it rough..... In the West African
state of Ghana 88 members and one minister are currently experiencing the
danger and cension of internal strife in their country.
Ghana has been under a military government since 1972. This government has
been marked by corruption and the military has been thoroughly discredited.
The latest coup was by a group of junior officers and NCO's pledged to
cleaning up the corruption, and determined to succeed no matter how many
stand in their way.
Our minister, Melvin Rhodes, who resides in Accra, the capital, wrote recentl
to the English Office which services that area.
Here are the excerpts from
his letter:
We are not worried about the situation here, but I think I should
advise you of what is happening just in case the situation deteriorates.
As the U.S. Embassy advised us this morning,"This is how Ethiopia and
Iran started." They
(and the British High Commission) have established
a phone system to evacuate nationals should it become necessary.
being on the phone, we have been advised to listen regularly to the
(Voice of America, radio).