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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 25, 1979
Page 6
Even though some of you may not have understood some of the methods
employed, or the type of genuine Church-State crisis that was involved, I
hope you can sincerely appreciate the result that--in the end--God is
giving us. So let's be genuinely !:rnpportive of one another in God's Work
and �preciate the efforts and sacrifices involved in the lives of each
one who is supporting Mr. Armstrong in this worldwide work.
Now, fellow ministers, I would like to discuss something that is
becoming an increasingly critical problem within the ministry and within
God's Church as a whole--especially here in the United States. Increasing
numbers of our church merrhers are beginning to divorce their mates for,
it seems, almost ANY conceivable reason! What's more, they then expect to
"remain in the Church" and probably REMARRY someone else in the Church-­
perhaps their former friend's wife who has, by now, divorced him, and is
also "still in the Church."
We are going to have long doctrinal and theological discussions with
Mr. Herbert Armstrong to cover and thoroughly understand any legitimate
reasons for divorce and remarriage. However, as of this writing, there are
only THREE that God's Church has officially recognized as legitimate:
(I) Porneia--t.hat is gross immorality involving unadmitted fornication
before marriage or a very serious or continuing type of adulterous or
homosexual or similar relationship after marriage, (II) Fraud--this is the
case where one is "tricked" in some way and we have always understood and
recognized this as an action that would in fact "annul" a marriage since
God would never bind a union based on fraud in the first place, (III)
Desertion--by the unconverted mate--although this was accepted and taught
by the Church long before his action, a classic example of this would be
Mr. Raymond McNair's situation. His wife refused to be a wife to him for
over two years--to sleep with him, cook for him, or even civilly communicate
with him in a decent manner. Rather, she had left God's Church and was
actively FIGHTING God's Church and Mr. McNair, turning his children against
him and literally cursing him to hi�face. Finally, upon advice of Mr.
Armstrong and Ted Armstrong, he was finally forced to make legal the
already existing FACT that she had deserted him and was no longer his wife
in any way whatsoever.
I repeat, these three exceptions are the ONLY ones recognized by
God's Church as biblical reasons for people who are already converted to
divorce a mate. Perhaps even we in the ministry need to realize more
vividly the meaning of Jesus' statement: "What therefore God hath joined
together, let not man put asunder" (Matt. 19:6).
We must genuinely FEAR to "water down" this ringing declaration of
the Son of God in any of our own cases, or in situations involving the
brethren over which God has given us responsibility. Because, fellow
ministers, God will hold us all RESPONSIBLE if we in any way undercut,
"water down" or lessen theBINDING quality of Christian marriage which
Jesus Christ emphasized so fervently!
In Malachi 2:15-16 (RSV), our Creator states� "Has not the one God
made and sustained for us the spirit of life? And what does he desire?
Godly offspring. So take heed to yourselves, and let NONE be faithless
to the wife of his youth. 'For I HATE DIVORCE, says the Lord the God of
Israel, uncovering one's garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts.
So take heed to yourselves and do not be faithless.'"