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Fellows, our God--who does NOT change in these spiritual principles
--says he HATES divorce!
Do we??
I do not feel it necessary, at this time, to print an entire written
article on the subject of binding marriages to you ministers who should
know this subject pretty well anyway. But, in love and as your servant,
I feel I must bring this absolutely vital matter to your combined attention.
Ever since the at:itude and approach of "watering down" and "loosening
things up" began under G.T.A. back in 1973/74 after his return to power,
it that "Pandora's Box" has been opened and individual people and
occasionally even ministers and/or ministers wives are taking unto them­
selves the authority to divorce and remarry for almost ANY conceivable
reason! This m�st now STOP!
We as a ministry are responsible to God for helping our brethren and
co-workers to strenqthen and BUILC< their marriages in every possible way.
We as a ministry must now make a MASSIVE effort to teach, preach, pray,
counsel, set �n example for, and in every way we can, encourage our brethren
to picture the relationship of Jesus Christ and his Church in their mar­
Remerr.ber this absolutely vital analogy Paul gives us:
"For the
husband is tje head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the Church:
and he is the saviou� of the body�herefore as the Church is st:bject
unto Christ , sc let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Husbands, LOVE your wives, EVEN AS Christ also loved the Church and ga•,e
himself for it" (Eph. 5:23-25).
If we are genuinely on our knees as a ministry regarding this grow-
ing problem--this spirituaT C&.�CER--within the very body of C:-,ri sc::, I am
sure he will Jive us tte faith, the fervency, the love and �he wisdom to
help our brethren and ourselves build the kind of marriages pleasing to him.
�hecef���. - do now ask all of you ministers to give this problem
tor=: rrior:i::y i'-
'.'1.:nistry- a�1d do all you can to emphasize the '7ITAL
import o.nce 0:: st::,:J::<;, s :.ab le, loving marriages in God's Church.
Do this,
f�llows, i� you� pr�aching, in your teaching and Bible studies and other
occasi":T'S, in �Fr37:):1-.:il-�its and in counseling after church and other
�3s1gn the sermonette men in your area also to cover various
;:,hases and fa:::ets of the meaning of marriage and building stron; mar:::-iages
�� cheir talks and in their visits as well. Unitedly, let us work and ��ay
wi:� all our hearts
stern the tide of this swelling flood of sel�ishness,
'. :,,ni c:�', l c.:st, bitterness and al 1-around Ci'\RNALITY, which is the real cause
�i the increasing frustration and bitterness between so many husbands and
?:: �l'f, w,c :1ust
OUT of this world and be separate. An::1 our entire
d_�??r':_lC:'. t0 '.':-''1::r-:.. :=re is certc:1inly o:ie of the most ir.c,portant areas i.n whic.:1
God'5 ''·"··- �:Ji::it--if we yield to it and exercise it--will :c!ake us trul\'
"Thanks " - - listening"--and thanks in advance for puttin0 this prog::_
to e:r::ec
>',e ·vill ;et ':::Jack to you as soon as we can wit:.h more detail.3,
but buit3in0 solid �a::riages from the foundation up is t�� co:e of the
ultima,:eso:-,.,f::io:1.. K,:::ep up the good work, ano. a number cf c:s si:l be