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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 25, 1979
Page 5
Dear Fellow Ministers:
Greetings, this time from smoggy Pasadena! I hope all of you out
there in the field are in good health and keeping up the good work. All
of us here are fine, except for the smog and human problems which will
always be with us.
I just returned last evening from an excellent campaign in Phoenix!
Even though we had� advertising whatsoever--not even one scratch in the
newspaper or one word on radio or TV--we, nevertheless, had larger crowds
than any so far in the series of "mini-campaigns." There were 105 enthu­
siastic new people attending the first night and 90 the second. Total
attendance was 540 Friday night and 525 Saturday night. Both the new
people and the brethren were very enthusiastic in their response--and I
am sure that the Phoenix church will be a wonderful place in which to place
a nwnber of new people whom God may be calling. Mark Cardona, our local
minister, was the M.C. and did a very fine job as did Ross Jutsum and John
Beaver on the excellent music and John Prohs on the audio and overall whole
organization and back-up.
They are a fine group to work with, and we all
felt the program went very well and are thankful to God for it.
One of the prime benefits of these small campaigns is the encourage­
ment a;-1d enthusiasm it engenders in the local brethren! I hope all of you
in the larger areas are thinking about having a campaign in your church
areas and get your church people solidly and enthusiastically behind it
once it is announced.
On the way over, my wife and I stopped by Tucson and had a fine visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Armstrong. It was Shyrel's first opportunity to
really get acquainted with Mr. Armstrong and his wife and she enjoyed it
very much--plus the fine luncheon we shared together.
Mr. Armstrong is in excellent health and we were able to have inten­
sive discussions about a number of things in the Work for a period of over
four solid hours. He is taking a great personal interest in the Y.O.U.
and Y.E.S. programs and is going to direct them personally more than ever
before. This should certainly be an inspiration to our brethren and young
people and help a great deal in building toward the future of God's Church.
As you should have read in last week's "News Summary,u the thorough
audit by one of the most respected C.P.A. firms in the country, Arthur
Andersen and Company, is virtually completed, and we are grateful that in
this area and in the various court activities which are proceeding, abso­
lutely NOTHING illegal has been uncovered regarding Mr. Armstrong, Mr.
Rader or God's Work. Although the confrontations and legal "explosions"
--which we did NOT start, remernber--are winding down, our team remains
vigilant and dedicated to preserving the integrity of Mr. Armstrong and
this Work. All of us ministers should be more grateful than we have been
for the fine work done by Mr. Rader, Mr. Helge and the excellent legal
defense team they have put together. Many of you out there perhaps do
not realize t
1e tremendous job they have done under adverse circumstances,
and the massive amount of work and long hours they have had to ?Ut in-­
often working FAR INTO THE NIGHT--in order that we can have the type of
"peace" in God's Work now to continue getting out the gospel from our own
beautiful campus here in Pasadena.