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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 7, 1979
Page 17
broadcast to the whole nation.
Everyone in the room knew the interview
was being taped. No confidentiality was being violated.
In contrast, the surreptitiously obtained tapes of Mr. Armstrong's Eri­
vate, confidential phone conversations were made without his knowledge
while he thought he was speaking to an associate in confidence.
tapes were spliced together and edited to say what they wanted.
Evidently "60 Minutes" does not think their viewers are smart enough
to see the difference between legally obtained tapes of interviews made
for public release and illegally obtained tapes of private, confidential
telephone conversations!
Mr. Joe Kotara, a deacon in the Pasadena congregation, was attacked
Wednesday evening, May 2, while serving a subpoena on one of two former
Church members who started the original lawsuit against the Church.
Church is exercising its legal right to question parties of the opposition
under penalty of perjury. This taking of depositions is part of the
discovery phase of the lawsuit. The following is a press release dis­
�ributed in the Southern California area which gives details of the
Worldwide Church of God
Press Release
May 4, 1979
Mr. Joe Kotara, deacon in the Pasadena Church, was attacked Wed­
nesday evening by David Morgan, a relator in the primary lawsuit
against the Church.
The attack came after Mr. Kotara and Kevin
Dean served a subpoena for a deposition to Mrs. Earl Timmons.
The subpoena was necessary, due to the failure of the relaters
to appear after being previously served.
The incident occurred in the officer's parking lot of the Alta­
dena Sheriff's Office. Mr. Kotara and Mr. Dean had followed the
party of three to the Sheriff's Station after being followed by
the trio for nearly a mile. Upon stopping at the Sheriff's
Station, Mrs. Timmons left the car and was approached by Mr.
Kotora--who told her he had a subpoena for her and placed it on
her arm. As Mr. Kotara walked away the subpoena fell to the
ground, and Mrs. Timmons grabbed Mr. Kotora's $30 sweater,
ripping it, and screaming, "You get out of here!"
Mr. Morgan, outweighing Mr. Kotara by approximately 150 pounds,
viciously bear hugged Mr. Kotara. He then proceeded to bash
Mr. Kotora's head against the parked police car, while Mrs.
Timmons continued to claw and hit Mr. Kotara. As an after
thought, and realizing their plight, Mr. Morgan began screaming
that the lady was being attacked.
Hearing screams, sheriff's deputies came from their offices to
restore order. Mr. Kotara was found to have a gushing head wound,
and was led into the station where that, and his other injuries,