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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 7, 1979
Page 16
explain that these rumors were false and what should be said. Mr. Cole
then told Mr. Helge, "We don't want your help. We just want to tell you
what the conditions are."
"The whole thing was very beautifully orchestrated," said Mr. Rader. "It
just_didn't wo�k. It caused some damage and it brought a lawsuit, but
it /turned out/ much different than it was planned. But for the fact
that the state is involved, the whole problem would be behind us. Now,
as long as we've got the problem we want to maximize the coverage and the
value of keeping the name of the Worldwide Church of God out in front so
more people will want to know about it.
I am certain that more and more
people will be mindful of the need to know more about the Worldwide Church
of God."
About Mr. Rader's Statement
God You've Got
A few people have been critical of Mr, Rader�s remark, "By God you've got
it," made to Mike Wallace on the "60 Iviinutes" program. At the end of the
employee meeting Mr. Rader recalled what led up to that point in the inter­
view and what he had in mind at the time.
Mike Wallace ha.d just asked, afteY: hearing that Mr. Armstrong gives
Steuben crystal gifts to heads of state just as President Eisenhower
did, "Mr. Herbert Armstrong is a head of state?" Mr. Rader replied,
"Exactly, exactly," With that Wallace queried, "Then you are his secre­
tary of state?" a:rid Rader quickly responded "You've got it. By God you've
got it. That's it. That is the whole key. This is a state and we are re­
presentatives of God and I am Mr. Armstrong
s secretary of state."
Mr. Rader continued to explain to the employees in the Auditorium" "When
I am on these programs I am very mindful of what I say. I have to think
of our audience and the general audience. I have to try to think to
give a little levity to balance it off. Any who have seen 'My Fair Lady'
will remember words of that nature when professor Higgins was delighted
with his pupil, Elisa Doolittle, getting the point.
"In this case, however," continued Mr. Rader, "I quickly mixed it with
two things. A touch of levity (if you saw �he video tape again you'd
see I smiled very broadly) and I was also indicating /that/ 'BY GOD'
his mind had been opened up. It only took /Mike Wallace;-an hour and a
half /Into the interview/. Later in the program I pointed out it took me
almost 20 years to understand where Mr. Armstrong was coming from, what
this Work was all about."
As many of our readers will recall, Morley Safer held up a couple of
tapes at the end of the
60 Minutes" Mailbag segment April 22, and
said that Mr. Rader didn't know that they knew he was secretly taping
Mike Wallace while Mike was taping him. The obvious intent was to make
it appear that their use of surreptitiously obtained tapes was not wrong
that we did the same sort of thing.
We did tape the "60 Minutes" interview
Mr. Rader's office. Not with
a mike under Wallace's chair, though. But, this was not a confidential
telephone conversation. This was an interview being made-expressly for