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PASTOR'S REPORT, April 23, 1979
Page 8
spite of Dennis' best efforts, it looks like about 2/3 of the Honolulu
church has defected to John Ouvrier and his disloyal, heinous, back�
stabbing tactics.
It is my sad duty, therefore, to announce that John Ouvrier is out
of God's ministry and has been officially 9-isfellowshipped from God' -
Church. I am here marking him as one who has caused GREAT division
and confusion in the area of Christ's ministry over which he was respon­
sible. I feel it is necessary to mark him here so that all of you minis­
ters can warn any of your brethren going to and from Hawaii about this
situation. For the next several weeks, Mr. Wilbur Berg, one of our most
senior, loyal and tried and tested ministers is going to fill in until
we find a permanent minister for Hawaii. Meanwhile, if any of you know
of one of our outstanding elders who could partially support himself and
still serve the church over there as Tommy Blackwell did, please let us
know immediately and we will certainly consider any offers, counsel or
advice from any of you.
Another sad situation that has just come up is that of Mr. Richard
Prince --- former pastor of our church in St. Joseph, Missouri. Mr.
Prince "vomited"
,,on the St. J_pseph Church a week ago Sabbath -- spilling
out to Christ's�little ones�)all of his frustrations, misunderstandings,
and personal animosities about Mr. Armstrong and those assisting him an'
his upsets over all manner of programs and policies with which he person­
ally disagreed. The area coordinator, Mr. Ray Wooten, reports that Mr.
Prince also has "programmed" the church so that we may lose quite a
number of brethren from the St. Joseph Church.
Therefore, it is my sad duty also to mark Mr. Richard Prince as one
who has been agressively causing DIVISION and great hurt in God's Church.
I have had to ex-communicate him from the body of Christ for his repre­
hensible conduct and he, too, must be avoided by those who are loyal to
Jesus Christ.
This is very, very sad on the one hand, and absolutely reprehensible
on the other that one of Christ's so-called ''servants" would take unto
himself the responsibility to confuse and upset; the(�piritual shee:i£)who
nearly always remain loyal when a LOYAL minister is1n their midst!
Because of these continuing problems, I feel it important to remind
us of God's command in the New Testament: "Now I beseech you, brethren,
mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine
which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not
our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair
speeches deceive the hearts of the simple" (Rom. ;16:17-18). Notice that
it says to mark or "point out" those who are causing DIVISIONS. We MUST
obey this coriimand, fellows! If we don't,even GREATER divisions and
offenses will follow in their wake. Also, it is interesting that God's
inspired word states "that by good words and fair speeches" these oily
deceivers try to upset the simple little ones and turn them aside from
the one Work, and the� AEostle, the living Jesus Christ has been using
now for over 45 years!
Yes, we do need to have LOVE. But sometimes, the kindest thing you
can do to a rebellious child is to forcefully SPANK him and send him into
the back room for awhile -- perhaps missing his dinner. In like manner,