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PASTOR'S REPORT, April 23, 1979
Page 9
we must forcefully DEAL with these spiritual rebels for their own good,
ultimately, as well as the more immediate good of other brethren whom
they would deceive.
So, fellows, be forceful and enthusiastic in your loyalty to Mr.
Armstrong and to the Work God is STILL using to preach this gospel around
the face of this entire world!
By way of_encouragement in that regard, I was just given a report
from our Bonn, Germany office. It relates that the total attendance at
the Days of Unleavened Bread in Germany was well over 700. The offering
was 9.3% above last year. The mail income for March was 30% above last
year! And the year-to-date increase in income now stands at 15%.
Then, just as
was starting to write this, Mr. Dean Wilson called
in from Australia where he reports that everything is very sound and solid
in God's Work down there with continuing growth and unity. They had good
increases in Passover attendance and the offerings were up 6% over last
By way of encouragement, let me also say that I know that the VAST
MAJORITY of all you ministers are "rock solid" behind Mr. Armstrong and
God's Work. Those of us who sincerely believe what God has revealed
through Mr. Armstrong, who teach the truth faithfully, and who honor God's
government and his Church need have no fears of being "marked," ex­
communicated or harshly dealt with bythe living Jesus Christ through His
Church. As long as we are sincerely faithful and trying, we can only
look forward to BLESSINGS in the end. As the apostle Peter was inspired
to state: "But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his
eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that� have suffered� while, make
you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you " (I Pet. 5:10-11). And
I am sure we can all say "Amen" to that! So "hang in there" and we
will write to you again or hear from you soon.
Baptism Cards! Once again, we want to request that you send in baptism
cards each week as they take place and not hold them for s�veral weeks
or months. (Recently one minister sent in cards for the last six months.
Some don't send them in at all until we request them after we get com­
plaints from the people about not receiving member mailings.) You are
less likely to forget them altogether if you do it right away. If the
cards are not sent in, the newly baptized won't begin receiving all the
material intended for members. Keep in mind that holy day envelopes,
feast information, members letters, etc., can only be a:nt after we have
processed the baptism cards.
Suggestions Needed for Member Package: We are considering the possibility
of a member literature package to be sent to each new member household.
This would serve as a welcome and give them information concerning proper