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However, at this writing (3/5/79) the prospects for the future are
looking better. The "Co-Worker Newsletter" is again being mailed
out and a couple of new letters offering several booklets are going
to PLAIN TRUTH subscribers. Also, the Circulation Department is
resuming PLAIN TRUTH renewal mailings. Over the next three weeks,
these mailings should help to improve the letter count.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
Some positive news about the PLAIN TRUTH reader renewal! Fifty
percent of all readers are now renewing their subscriptions, which
is higher than some regular commercial magazines.
Publishing Services has a sizeable extra quantity of the original
printing of Mr. Armstrong's book The Incredible Human Potential. We
would like to make these available free to all ministers who request
them. If you would like up to five free copies please send a
request to Mail Processing.
--Roger Lippross, Production Director
Where is Y.E.S. right now? What's happening? What have we done?
What are we doing? What are our plans?
The concept for Y.E.S. programs first crystallized in the Fall of
1975. Since that time, some churches have developed excellent local
programs. During the last three years, many valuable insights have
been obtained from those programs which were begun.
What Is Y.E.S. Doing Today?
In the Fall of 1978, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong approved the youth
educational service of the Church after an analysis of the under­
lying principles and other relevant materials that were presented
to him. After receiving such approval, a full-time individual work�
ing exclusively with Y.E.S. has been added to the Y.O.U. staff.
Since the Y.E.S. program has gotten under way starting in January of
this year, much progress has been made.
In order to develop the best materials for Y.E.S. programs we first
sent a Y.E.S. questionnaire to all Church Pastors.
Y.E.S. Master File
Since Y.E.S. began about three years ago, a lot of materials have
reached our office. We have just completed a systematic master file
of all Y.E.S. materials. The master file contains two basic divisions,
one of which· deals strictly with curriculum related materials. In
this division we have developed a subject file based on the order of
topics and events in both the Old and New Testaments.
This means
that any Y.E.S. materials received from the field can now be syste­
matically classified immediately and will be at our finger tips when