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our writers need material on a subject in the future.
example, if we were to receive an interesting and well-planned
lesson on Moses, that material will go into a special section on
'Moses.' In it we would already typically have several lessons and
contributions relating to Moses. (Some subject areas are more
complete than others.)
The other division deals with Y.E.S. administration and organization.
Some of the sections in this division include: curriculum design,
lesson planning information, resources and aids, local Y.E.S.
organization, Church format, program evaluation, teacher training
and parental involvement. Again, these topical files will prove
invaluable as we write articles for Y.E.S. teachers and staff in
the future.
Y.E.S. Programs Manual
One of our irmnediate goals for Y.E.S. is to write a manual which will
give all Church areas some guidelines in the organization of their
Y.E.S. program. There has been a request for such a manual ever
since the concept of Y.E.S. was first introduced. Another purpose
for such a manual will be to promote gre�ter over�ll unity and con­
sistency in the structure and organization of Y.E.S. programs. Such
a manual will also allow necessary flexibility for each program.
We have now already produced a preliminary draft copy of the manual.
At present the manual is being evaluated by several individuals,
including a number of local Y.E.S. teachers and sabbatical ministers.
We have a class at College which is directly related to
therefore also includes discussion on Y.E.S. As a result of this
input, the manual will be revised and there will be some additional
improvements incorporated into it. This second revision will be
presented to P.A.D. for editing.
As soon as we are able, we then want to present the final form of
the Y.E.S. programs manual to Mr. Armstrong, for his evaluation
and approval. Once approved, the manual �ill then be made available
on request for every Church area worldwide.
Our main goal, once the Y.E.S. manual is completed (by the way,
included in the manual will be an approved curriculum), will be the
production of a Y.E.S. Quarterly booklet. The booklet will include
information in three areas;
(1) For Teachers -- Each booklet will be filled with various
lesson plan ideas and suggestions, including relevant
seasonal material.
(2) For Children -- The quarterly will include direct learning
activities for children, which teachers will be able to
mimeograph and use in their classes.
(3) For Parents -- Each issue will contain many ideas for parental
involvement with children in Y.E.S. related activities and
learning during the week.