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If the investigation had been initiated without fanfare and in an
ordinary manner, none of the tremendous waste of time and money
would have occurred (not to mention the blow dealt to the Church's
reputation). If the Attorney General has merely over-reacted
because he was misled and acted on the sincere belief that something
was truly wrong, Mr. Rader said he should (especially after these
eight weeks of intense auditing) quietly and without further fanfare
leave our premises.
One final note as we go to press: The injunctive order was signed
last week by Judge Title as expected. The attorneys for the Church
filed an appeal on that order Friday, March 2 in Superior Court.
This appeal causes the order to be "stayed" (a postponement or
delay in legal action or proceeding). We are hoping this action
will render the Church the proper relief we are seeking. And so
the wheels of "justice" grind away.
--Pastor's Report Staff
The need for additional transfers to fill the vacancies created by
those going into the non-career ministry has caused budgetary con­
straints on the funds available for transfers. Therefore, we need
to find ways to make the necessary transters as economically as
possible. One action that could help considerably in this is to have
as many men as can move themselves using U-haul vehicles. Often
by going the U-haul route the men being transferred can save the
Work one to two thousand dollars or more depending on the amount of
household goods to be moved and the distance they are moving.
Since using a U-haul vehicle requires more work and a certain amount
of sacrifice, we have in the past given a special bonus to those men
who have chosen to do it. In essence we want to share part of the
savings the Work experiences with those who have helped to make the
savings possible. We plan to continue this policy and particularly
want to encourage anyone who will be moving this year to seriously
consider the possibility of moving themselves with a rental vehicle.
A Note of Thanks We want to express our appreciation to all of you
who have been keeping our office up-to-date on the status of elders
and deacons in your areas. Even though it is an unpleasant aspect
of our job and yours,in time of change such as we have recently
been experiencing, it is partiqularly helpful to receive prompt
notification of the departure of any e�ders and deacons. Thanks
for your help in this.
--Ted Herlofson, Ministerial Services
MAIL UP SLIGHTLY Mail for the week ending March 2
low, but it
was still slightly higher than the week before. As a comparison:
an average week during 1978 brought around 35,000 letters to the Work;
the week of March 2 gave us only 18,500 letters. It's obvious that
the present church-state crisis is affecting our incoming mail. Most
of our response-producing mailings had to be curtailed due to the