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THAT CONFUSION. Do it in the above mentioned sermon! And do it
each and every Sabbath through comments and announcements we all
I am preaching this to myself here also -- need to make more regular­
ly about God's Work and our deep commitment to it!
Also, let the brethren know emphatically that Mr. Armstrong has
directed (and, for the record, I and all on our P.A.D. team
emphatically agree!) that ALL U.S. tithes� offerings be sent to
P.O- Box 4-3-1--,. T'uewott, Atrl:�a· 95702." And
be sure and let them know that we are absolutely assured now that
all such tithes and offerings will be tax deductible as of January
24 of this year and from now o� � �-
Please DO THIS, fellows, soon and emphatically! And let us all
as minister-;-of the Livinq God fast and� REGULARLY like we used
to back in the SO's for God to intervene;. to deliver us from our
enemies, to send the money so needed for His Work in this modern
age, and to inspire and EMPOWER us to get the Work going as never
Thanks, in advance, for all your help.
Roderick C. Meredith
It has come to our attention that some brethren in various states
and even students here at the college have been allowing their minds
to run rampant by equating our receivership problems with specific
fulfillment of end-time prophecy. Some feel that the great tribu­
lation has already begun, while others have even started to sell
their belongings and pack their bags in order to be ready to leave
for a place of safety on March 8 of this year!
Using Mr. Armstrong's frequent references to the Church as the temple
of God (Eph. 2:21-22), a few have jumped to the totally false con­
clusion that the receiver is the abomination of desolation. With
mind," they have also wrongly interpreted the time periods of
Daniel 12:11-12 by claiming that these days started at the beginning
of the recent ministerial conference, and that they will end on the
day of Trumpets in 1982. The March 8 date was obtained by counting
back 3� years from the 1982 Trumpets date.
Because of the possibility of confusion over such erroneous calcula­
tions, it rieeds to be explained to-our brethren that if Mr. Armstrong
felt the preceding interpret�tion to be true, he obviously would have
given direction to the entire Church. It also'needs to be shown that
the great tribulation will be such a major traumatic end-time event
that there will question of its being here. In the meantime,
many other prophecies have yet to come to pass
set the stage for
the time of the final great tribulation.