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Another point to clarify is that both the 1290 and 1335 days of
Daniel 12, and even the 1150 days of Daniel 8, begin when the
sanctuary is overthrown and� continual burnt offering is taken
away. These events have not yet occurred. Therefore, the counting
of these days cannot yet be started.
Please make sure no one is confused
ideas about prophecy that are being
amusing what some will believe, but
clarified in several church areas.
by these "wild" and irresponsible
circulated about. It is almost
it nevertheless needs to be
Wilbur Berg, P.A.D.
As you will recall, Judge Julius Title stayed his order to lift the
receivership until March 1. He directed the Attorney General and
the attorneys for the Church to submit proposed orders which he would
consider on that date in formulating and issuing an injunctive order.
It was to be an order that would provide that the Attorney General
could continue his examination of the Church at the State's expense.
As it turned out, the proposed order submitted by the Attorney General
was largely the basis for the final court order. At the March 1
hearing before Judge Title, points were objected to by the Church's
attorneys where excessive powers were requested by the Attorney
General. Few changes were made to the Attorney General's proposed
order by the judge prior to the hearing, and few changes were made
during the hearing as a result of arguments by both sides. In actual
fact, more than just a means of continuing a financial audit to
investigate whether or not allegations against the defendants were
true, this order differs very little from the receivership which we
were under.
The Attorney General's order, which Judge Title seems to be accepting
largely intact, is disruptive to the Church's operations and permits
the Attorney General to have a computer terminal of his own with
which to plug into all our computer files!
(However, our lawyers
successfully argued against allowing access to our membership lists.
It permits a free-wheeling and unregulated search of all church
records (even those not of a financi&l nature and therefore outside
the scope of the lawsuit). This search would cover twenty years of
records and would permit the Attorney General to have "first
priority" over all our records irrespective of our ordinary business
workload in data processing and accounti�g. He wants the right to
examine and copy all documents of every kind including
and statutorily privileged and protected documents all of which would
then become public records!
In a press conference held by Mr. Rader in his office Thursday
afternoon, March 1st, he stated that "the Attorney General's pro­
posed order is unprecedented, unlawful, and intolerable to the basic
religious and constitutional rights of the Church and its members and
incompatible with the continuity of Churqh would put
(jet further anQ7 exorbitant compliance costs on the Church.
"All of this is the more reprehensible because there has been abso­
lutely no showing of urgency or need for the unprecedented powers