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for Defense of Religious Freedom." He is a very dedicated and con­
verted man, and has spent up to 18 hours a day on a number of occa­
sions recently donating of his time -- and his own money, inciden­
tally -- to helping out in the effort this committee of the lay
brethren are pursuing. As his personal minister, Mr. Carl McNair
works very closely with Mr. Grede and knows him and his family
intimately. Please give him every cooperation and support as he
serves God's Work!
One interesting point Mr. Grede brought up in our lengthy
telephone conversation, was that when the challenge was first pre­
sented to him of helping to organize this committee, he hired two
separate teams of attorneys in Wisconsin and in Washington, D.C.,
respectively, to go over all the records and transcripts as well as
newspaper clippings and other reports of the "receivership issue''
-- as we might call it. He stated that both teams of attorneys -­
working entirely separately -- arrived at the same conclusion. They
both agreed that according to all normal legalr:}rocedure, the
actions of the judges and the Deputy Attorney General should have
brought about impeachment proceedings and proceedings to disbar
said individuals.
T thought that was most interesting and helpful as it was done
by a highly respected layman in God's Church entirely on his own.
Sometimes, perhaps, many of us ministers are not as close to the
details of the outrageous misuse of the legal machinery which has
been perpetrated upon God's Church; and therefore do not feel the
sincere and vehement INDIGNATION we should regarding this gross
miscarriage of justice!
Now, fellows, I want to ask for your loyal and zealoJs coopera­
tion in an absolutely VITAL matter. No one has asked or even hinted
that I ought to take this action, but-Y want you to know where I
stand and where I hope all of YOU stand. Many of our brethren are
still somewhat confused and frustrated by the events of the last few
months. That is understandable. But I trust that all of you -- as
their spiritual shepherds -- now have had ample opportunity for the
last two months to see that Mr. Herbert Armstrong is very much alive
and in charge of this Work, and that the team he has appointed here
in P.A.D. is carrying out his wishes and directions in helping get
the churches back to the l�of God and the way of God.
Therefore, I want to ask every one of you to give a sermon within
the next couple of weeks encouraging the brethren to do their part
in God's Work and to enthusiastically build their zeal toward paying
God's tithes to his Work and toward generously and even sacrifically
giving the generous offerings that are so needed at this time in the
very Work of the Living Christ! I hope all of you will prepare
thoroughly and� fervently about this, and let the brethren know
you really mean it!
Frankly, fellows, finances are VERY TIGHT, and we now perceive
that one reason for this is the confusion in the minds of several
thousand of our brethren over whether to continue to tithe at this
time and where to send their tithes and offerings. It is absolutely
IMPERATIVE that each of you does his enthusiastic part to CLEAR UP