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•Good News• Responses "Good News" articles on marriage and the family,
particularly the new "Family Sharing" column and evangelist Leroy
Neff 's August article, "Husbands and Wives!
Your Marriage Can Be
Happy," are generating a large outpouring of mail. Many readers give
heartrending reports of the sometimes incredible trials in which they
find themselves. The question of authority and submission in marriage
is of particular concern.
Booklet and Brochure Update Minor updates to the Missing Dimension in
Sex book have just been completed. Of special interest is an expanded
IIst of recommended reading concerning birth control and related
subjects. The TV brochure "Why Does God Allow Suffering?" is now being
designed here in Editorial. This brochure includes "Why Must Humans
Suffer?" from reprint No. 128, "Why Does God Allow Wars?" from related
articles in the September and October-November, 1984, Plain Truth, "The
Way of Peace They Know Not" from the September, 19�5, PT and "Where Is
God When Little Children Suffer?" from the November-December, 1985,
•youth 86• Letters As we've said many times, not all the readers of
"Youth 86" are teenagers. We thought you might enjoy these letters
from one past-teenager and one pre-teenager.
A member from New York wrote:
"I am so glad that Youth 86 is offered to more than just the
teens. The articles written pertain to each and every one of us at one
time or another.
"This past weekend, one of your articles was brought to mfnd•••
"Waddya Want?" (May issue). I was with two friends when the waitress
displayed an unfriendly attitude. After explaining the article to my
friends, and after speaking very nicely to the waitress, she came over
and apologized for ruining our day! Imagine that!
"It felt great knowing that we had handled ourselves the
appropriate way. The article I read would not [have] been put to good
use if we had not reacted accordingly. Your magazine IS for all ages.
Thank you."
A preteen from Michigan had this to say:
"My mom and I enjoy the magazine very much. I am 12 years old and
looking forward to being active in YOU.
"After reading the June-July issue I would like to share some of
the things we do [to keep from] being bored. My mom thinks if our
young people can be allowed to get involved with others, it would be a
good way for us to be a positive example for young people today.