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the number of calls has jumped to an average of 277 per program -- up
96.5% over last year.
The prospective member count for the first six months of 1986 is most
up 68.5% over the same period last year.
prospective member activity is reflecting a fine increase in new
members. From January to the end of June this year the number of newly
baptized members increased 27.3% over the first six months of 1985.
(Submitted by Robert Morton, Regional Director)
--Larry Salyer, Director of Church Administration
July 1986
We are pleased that the July increase this year was 14.1%
over July 1985. This is especially encouraging since last July was
17.1% higher than the previous year. The year-to-date increase now
stands at 7.9%, which is almost 1% above budget.
Recently, Mr. Tkach had a meeting with the Arthur Andersen & Co.
auditors. This was his first annual meeting with them, as Chairman of
the Board and Chief Executive Officer. Representing Financial Services
in the meeting were Fred Stevens, Accounting Department Manager, and
the Treasurer.
The auditors gave Mr. Tkach a comprehensive overview of the audit
process, how it was done, their evaluation of the financial records of
the institution and suggestions for improvement.
They had similar
meetings with Mr. Armstrong each year since they were first engaged in
Their firm audits most of our international offices, as well as the
In 1985 their audit covered 95% of both the income and assets of
the institution. Other auditors submitted their reports on other
offices, and in a few very small areas no audit is needed. For 1986
Arthur Andersen will audit three additional international areas.
They rated our internal accounting controls for both income and
expenditures as being above average. There has been great improvement
in this area since they were first engaged. This has come about by our
own desire to make improvements, and by their annual written
suggestions on how to improve our controls and record keeping.
Having such an auditing firm to evaluate and advise us has brought
about continual improvement in the quality of our records, not only
here in the u.s., but in our offices around the world. We want to
maintain our records in such a fashion that we know where all funds
have come from, and where they have gone. This requires continual
vigilance and effort on the part of everyone involved in the hundreds
of thousands of financial transactions each year.
--Leroy Neff, Treasurer