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"Offer to go over and be a helper for a day for a mother with •••
children home from school, for free. See if an adult will go with you
to visit the elderly. Take them flowers, adopt a nursing home grandma
grandpa, especially one who has no family•••
"What would happen if all YOU kids and pre-YOU were to collect
cans and bottles all summer and turn in the money for fall Holy Days?
Think how many more young people could have this wonderful magazine."
•worldwide News• Thanks You
The July 28 issue of "The Worldwide News"
features Pastor General Joseph
Tkach's trips to New York City, N.Y.,
and Denver, Colo. In the middle spread of the paper we display the
winning photographs in the Canadian YOU photo contest.
You'11 be
excited to see the talent portrayed by these young people.
Also in this issue are the Church youths who graduated first or
second in their classes in high school this year. Thank you for your
fine response to this feature. If some of you could�'t make our first
deadline and would like to send in photos and names of top graduates,
have them in our office by August 25, and we will feature them in the
following issue.
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services
Copies of the brochure for the coming concert season are included in
this "Pastor General's Report" for Church pastors to display in each
congregation. The June 16 issue of "The Worldwide News" ran an article
describing highlights of the 1986-87 season and included comments by
Mr. Tkach describing the purpose of the concert series.
This will be the Auditorium's 12th season featuring many of the world's
finest orchestras and artists in the classical music, ballet, popular
and folkloric fields. It will be, if not the best, one of the best
series we have had.
One change in the season: Benny Goodman died on June 13, 1986, and the
band's performance was canceled. Thoughts about having a tribute were
discussed, but the complexity involved negated the idea.
The first concert, performed by the Philharmonic Orchestra of London
under Guiseppe Sinopoli, will take place on September 6.
Those coming out to Pasadena for the Refreshing Program should be able
to attend some of the performances where tickets are available.
--Ellis La Ravia, Facilities Administration