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Peter Hawkins of our South African office forwarded us a letter from one
of our readers in response to Ron Toth's article in the June issue, "The
Nuclear Club--Almost Anyone Can Join." This reader wanted to become a
member of this club we were writing about.
It's a good thing we
qualified it by saying almost anyone can join.
Hews• Update
The September "Good News" features an article on
gambling. "Is It Worth the Gamble?" has been personally approved by Mr.
Tkach and should answer the questions many have asked about the subject.
For our October-November special Festival edition, we have commissioned
artist C. Winston Taylor, who has done so many fine illustrations for
both the publications and television, to do a cover illustration. The
cover will portray Moses explaining the keeping of the feast days to the
Booklet News
As some of our booklets come up for reprinting, we plan to
increase their effectiveness by enlarging the amount of information they
contain. "The Plain Truth About Christmas" will include an article by
Mr. Halford and "Questions We Are Asked" from the October-November, 1983,
"Good News."
The booklet now will not only reveal the truth about
Christmas, but will also explain what to do about it. The next printing
of "Are We in the Last Days?" will be retitled "The World Won't End This
Way!" and will include the lead article on that subject from the August,
1982, "Plain Truth."
"Youth 86• Update
Reader response continues to be high to "Youth 86."
More than 300 readers responded to the "Future Plans" survey about what
they plan to do after high school.
We'11 run the results in the
September issue.
Also, for the "Dear Youth 86" page, we regularly
receive more than 30 questions a month. We receive about 15 "Reader By­
Line" articles from teens each month.
Please continue to pray for Editorial Services and the success of the
publications. Our staff is small and our responsibilities tremendous.
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services
Ambassador College is now in the midst of its summer session, which began
about two weeks ago. During the summer the College offers a number of
college courses to students. In this way, some students who might need a
class (credit) or two can do so, thereby enabling themselves to graduate
a little earlier than would otherwise be possible.
By the time you receive this report, I am sure you will already have
heard that Mr. and Mrs. Les McCullough are moving to South Africa, where
Mr. McCullough will serve as Regional Director.
And Dr. Roderick C.
Meredith has been appointed as the new Deputy Chancellor of the Big Sandy