Page 4950 - COG Publications

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I am including in this report a section which will give all of you some
up-to-date information concerning Ambassador College.
You will notice
that even though we have received about 530 completed college
applications, we have only accepted about 119. We may accept a few more,
but do not anticipate accepting many more because of limited dormitory
(As you know, in recent years we have cut down the size of the
freshman class at Pasadena iri order to fill those bed spaces with more of
the two-year graduates--those who have completed either their A.S. or
A.A. degrees--from Big Sandy and Pasadena.)
The following information regarding A.C. will be of interest to all of
Summer Activities of Ambassador College and Its students
We have 150
students involved in Summer Educationa� Programs around the world:
81 in Orr for the two three-week sessions (6/19-7/9; 7/17-8/6)
48 in Big Sandy for the two three-week sessions
(6/18-7/8; 7/10-7/30)
21 in Scotland for the one session (7/20-8/10)
Six students are serving as summer ministerial trainees and five
graduates have been sent out as full-time ministerial trainees.
Just recently four students returned from studying Spanish in Guadalajara
under the Mexican Summer Program, and six students returned July 4 from a
challenging archeological proJect in Syria.
As a part of the Chinese Exchange Program, we presently have 10
here from China studying English.
Their study program lasts
weeks. In exchange, China received six A.C. students this summer.
being there a month, they will return July 28.
for 11
Ambassador also has one student touring Russia
well as eight students touring France and
graduates) touring Europe.
(with 36 YOU members) as
13 students (with six
On a more extended trip are 13 students (four of whom are working in the
Bonn office) spending the summer in Germany. The group will start off
with 2 1/2 weeks in an intensive study program and then will join the
group touring Europe. They broke up July 3 with four going to work in
the Bonn office and the other nine living in various homes throughout the
German-speaking areas. The group will return August 5.
We also have quite a few who are serving for approximately a year in
various parts of the world:
10 students and one graduate in Jordan
Four students and two graduates in Thailand
One student and one graduate in Nepal
Four students and four. graduates in Sri Lanka
A.C./Pasadena. Of that number, 119 have been accepted to the Pasadena
campus as freshmen for 1986-87; and 189 two-year A.C. graduates have been
accepted as juniors to complete their B.A. degrees.