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A time upgrade for "The World Tomorrow" on TEMPO ENTERPRISES, the Tulsa­
based cable station, has virtually doubled the station's response to the
program for the month of June. BBDO, the Church's advertising agency,
was able to secure the upgrade from 1:00 p.m. (Central) on Wednesdays to
10:00 a.m. on Sundays, a time when more of TEMPO'S 11.5 million potential
households are watching their television sets. The new time went into
effect June 8.
The airing time for "The World Tomorrow" has also changed on another
cable station, ·New York's LIFETIME CABLE NETWORK.
Since July 6,
LIFETIME'S potential 27.1 million households can see the programs at·
12:30 a.m. (midnight), Eastern time, instead of the old time of 10:30
p.m. The move, which was forced by a programming change at the station,
may or may not prove to be advantageous. Although the move has put the
program into a late-night time on the East Coast, it has also put it into
a prime-time slot on the West Coast. However, it is too early to tell
what, if any, change there will be in response to the new time.
--David Hulme, Media Purchasing
•p1ain Truth• Meeting
In the November-December edition of "The Plain
Truth," we complete our series on Mr. Armstrong's final book "Mystery of
the Ages." Pastor General Joseph W. Tkach's "Personal" in that issue,
titled "He Remembered You," is an appreciative tribute to Mr. Armstrong.
Mr. Tkach notes the completion of the series and offers copies of the
book to new readers. In our planning session, an article on Expo 86--the
world exposition in Canada--was submitted by John Halford. Mr. Halford's
"What Was Missing at Expo?" explains that even though Expo 86 may have
been one of the best international expositions ever organized, two great
powers were not represented. So as not to leave you in suspense, the two
powers are God's Kingdom and Satan's kingdom.
John Ross Schroeder's "Five Visions of Europe" will also appear in the
November-December issue. Mr. Schroeder describes how three major powers
and the Vatican view the European scene, before concluding with how God
understands and sees Europe. Paul Kroll will also have an article in
that issue, "The Controversy Continues--Evolution vs. Creation."
Kroll will show there is only one final answer to the question, How did
life originate?
From Richard Rice's office, we were excited to learn that due to the
Pastor General's semiannual letters to "Plain Truth" subscribers and the
growing "Plain Truth" subscription list, the number of co-workers is
increasing monthly. Also, Mr. Rice reports that the amount donated by
co-workers is increasing as well. Our co-workers now comprise about 35
percent of all contributors, donating about 20 percent of the total