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scripture references about Lazarus and the rich man or the thief on the
cross. The arguments they raised are usually answered in our literature,
which we send them upon request.
First-Time Visits Many people have written in expressing their joy and
gratitude in meeting. a true minister of God for the first time. They were
very impressed with the helpfulness, politeness and consideration shown to
them. Here are some of their letters:
At this time, I would like to express my deepest appreciation
for putting your minister in touch with me.
life has taken
on new meaning, and I know now that I have a future to which I
can look forward with joy and great anticipation and longing.
(North Carolina)
The minister for my area was here this morning and answered
many of the questions I had. I can't begin to tell you how
I've waited with great anticipation for that meeting.
prayed to God and asked for wisdom and guidance. I would like
to thank the ministers and all the people who are continuing
God's Work, for all that you have done for me.
Thank you so much for your helping me to understand God's holy
ways. I finally got in contact with the minister. We had a
wonderful visit for several hours. It was most enlightening to
speak with him and his wife.
We were invited to church. God opened the doors� Thankfully,
we were allowed to go to church as a family. Isn't that one of
the greatest things! I'm ecstatic!
I have enclosed my first tithe. I'm in prison and the only
means I have of obtaining money is through my family7 but they
are not in the best position to provide money for me.
I just want you to know that I seriously see that I must obey
God, and this first tithe is the beginning of a new and better
I am now striving to bring forth fruits worthy of
repentance, by obeying God.
The minister has been up here to see me twice, and I'm grateful
for that, and waiting to be baptized•••• I want to start the
Christian •race• that Paul spoke of, and, as you said in one of
your radio programs, hear the words, "Wel1 done, my faithful
Questions About the Church Because of the hard-hitting spiritual content
of the programs, more people are beginning to inquire about who we are and
what we believe as a Church. Here are some typical examples: