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24, 1986
Please list the doctrines of the Worldwide Church of God.
Is there a congregation or minister of your Church in my area?
How do I join the Worldwide Church of God?
What denomination are you?
What is the origin of the Worldwide Church of God?
Catholic or Protestant?
Phone Listings Program Mail Processing has' been able to assist in the
Plain Truth Waiting Room Program by providing local congregations with
phone listings of businesses in their area.
These lists are provided upon request of the local minister, who would
send us the telephone directories for his area. From these directories,
we can compile the names, addresses and phone numbers of local businesses
and place them in the Work's computer.
This compilation creates a
computerized list of businesses in address order, which can be printed and
sent to the minister.
Computerized phone listings provide several advantages f9r volunteer
workers on the Waiting Room Program. The listings are printed, which is
easier to read than handwritten lists. Also, volunteers can see all the
offices located at one address, which saves them from making extra calls.
The listings reduce a certain amount of duplications as well.
instance, groups of dentists or doctors often use one office number, but
list it in the directories under all of their names. Our computer lists
would eliminate any duplicate numbers, saving the volunteers more calls.
Any minister wishing to obtain such a list for his area should feel free
to contact us. We will do our best to expedite all requests as quickly as
U.S. Postal Employees One unique source of new subscribers is from people
who handle and deliver the mail. Our literature often catches the
attention of mail carriers who wish to become regular readers. Following
are some comments from postal workers who have found the Work's
publications to be interesting and helpful:
I work in the post office
other literature coming
interested, and I hope you
for all these booklets.
and have seen "The Plain Truth" and
through the mail.
I am very
don't think I'm too greedy in asking
(Marysville, CA)
It is apparent that there is not much time left to get the
gospel of the kingdom of God to the confused people in the
world. I am a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service and
on my route I have -noticed the increase of people receiving
"The Pl�in Truth."
It is good to know that many new
subscriptions for "The Plain Truth" are coming in.
(Belleville, NJ)