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24, 1986
Viewers Who Miss Telecast It is not uncommon for our WATS area to receive
many residual calls from people who miss the telecast. For example, we
received nearly 100 calls from regular viewers during the week who were
unable to watch the program on Memorial Day weekend. These individuals
want to be sure they did not miss the literature offered. Some also want
assurance that •The World Tomorrow• would continue on their local
Clearly, many viewers look forward to •The World Tanorrow• and are
disappointed if they miss a single program.
It is also interesting to note these residual callers either remember the
toll-free number or have it written down.
Literature Generates calls From January through May, we received 67,703
WATS requests for literature from sources other than the telecast. This
includes calls from subscribers to ·The Plain Truth,• •Good News,• •Youth
86,• •correspondence Course,• etc., and represents a growth of 55 percent
in such requests. It is evident that we are receiving a greater number of
calls because the toll-free number is placed in much of our literature.
Trends in the Mail With the large amount of incoming mail, we are seeing
an increasing diversity of trends and co�nts. Here are a few of the
major trends that have been developing recently:
• The largest single category of comments have been from those who
mention how much they miss Mr. Armstrong and how his example helped
• Along with these comments about Mr. Armstrong are letters of
encouragement and support for Mr. Tkach as the new pastor general.
• Members, co-workers and subscribers are still saying how impressed
and thankful they are for the smooth transition in the leadership of
the Church.
• The fact that our literature is free and there is no request for
money on the telecast continues to impress many.
• Several newly baptized members have written to say they were thrilled
to receive the •new member package.•
• Co-workers and others are expressing their recognition that this is
indeed a unique and fruitful Work.
Responses to Telecast on Bell
We have received an unusually large
response from viewers commenting on Mr. Ames' telecast, •rs There a Real
Hell Fire?• Most of the comments were positive because many people were
greatly relieved to learn that their loved ones are not suffering in
eternal torment. Others said they were glad to discover that God is not
so harsh and unfeeling as the traditional teaching about hell had led them
to believe.
As was to be expected, we also received a number of negative comments
' dealing with this issue.
A few viewers sent in tracts or various