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Please also note Mr. Frank Brown's comments about Mr. Elijah Chukwudi's
worsening condition.
International News
Prom Prank Brown
It was a pleasure to welcome Mr. Leroy Neff,
Treasurer of the Church, and two of his staff--Mr. Fred Stevens,
Accounting Manager, and Mr. Ritchie Gaston, General Ledger
Supervisor--who visited Elstree House recently. They took the oppor­
tunity to familiarize themselves with the financial reporting systems
we are using here in the O.K.
our new computer accounting system is now almost "de-bugged." This is
a highly sophisticated system which enables us to produce a report of
either an individual country or region, or a consolidated report, and
also a report detailing either indigenous or subsidy expenditure.
These reports, which will be right up to date, will provide a valuable
managerial tool for improved budget control.
The January 1986 issue of "The Plain Truth" had a circulation of
157,271 in the United Kingdom and Eire,· an increase of 6.4 percent
over January 1985. In line with these increases, the mail count for
the month of November was up 32.1 percent, bringing the year-to-date
total to 259,723 pieces of mail, an increase of 15.9 percent. There
is good news about mail income as well--the month of November saw a
month-to-date increase of 7.2 percent, bringing the year-to-date
increase to 13.4 percent. "The Good News" increased by 144.9 percent
since last year, from just over 8,000 to almost 20,000.
The autumn series of advertisements in Scandinavian newspapers have
not only brought us �xcellent response rates, but have aiso stimulated
comment from readers. Several readers of BERGENS TIDENDE wrote to the
editor asking about the organization behind these inserts.
questions prompted some free (if not altogether accurate) publicity.
BERGENS TIDENDE carried a picture of the insert under the heading "An
unfortunate mixture of religion and politics." The article, although
sneering in tone, did give some food for thought, explaining our
belief that the British people descended from some of the 10 lost
tribes of Israel, and that the English throne will become the govern­
ing seat of the coming Christ. With a response rate of almost 1.9
percent, higher than any we have ever had before in Scandinavia, it
would seem that the article made some people look again at the insert!
The combined Norwegian- and English-language "Plain Truth" circulation
in Scandinavia for the January 1986 issue was 44,619--up 39.6 peicent
over last year.
The "Good News" list has - increased from 679 to
1,689--a 149.9 percent increase since the December 1984 issue.
With the "World Tomorrow" program now appearing regularly in Norway,
we are beginning to receive responses from viewers requesting litera­
We now have an inventory of 23 titles in the Norwegian
language, including both booklets and reprint articles.
English "Plain Truth" circulation on the continent of Europe is now
35,800 copies, slightly down from last year due to measures taken to
curb growth in the file. The "Good News" file is up 148.5 percent to
5,126 copies, and "Youth 85" is up by 72.5 percent to 552 copies.