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needed humility to respect their office enough to listen to them.
Instead, we can't see beyond our criticisms of the supposed weaknesses
and shortcomings we think we know all about.
We must remember that we are a family.
Not just a team.
But a
family--the brethren of Jesus Christ and children of God. That fact
gives a much broader meaning to the word unit
I appreciate the many
statements from ministers about how free they eel to call in to Church
Administration to counsel about anything and everything--whether church
matters or personal problems.
That's the way it should be.
Armstrong set that example and all of us ought to be following it.
This is one of the many ways that we follow him as he follows Christ.
I also want to convey to you Mr. Armstrong's deep appreciation for the
cooperation and teamwork so evident today among the ministry as we grow
more and more toward that total family oneness and unity of the Family
of God. I want to encourage each of you to feel free as always to call
in any time day or night. Never worry that maybe I'll be too busy or
that it's too late at night. My policy has always been to return every
call as I'm sure you all realize.
Finally, we all need to take to heart Mr. Armstrong's admonitions to
draw closer to God as this age begins to close. Now is the time to
strengthen and enhance your relationship with God through prayer, Bible
study and fasting, that you will be able to always stand faithfully as
a part of God's ministry.
Let's all ask God for His spirit of power, love and a sound mind, that
we might keep in full focus His government and our part in it, so we
may grow into even more effective tools in God's service.
Index To assist you in locating necessary information
the "Pastor
General's Report," we are adding an annual index to the PGR. The index
is divided into two sections. The first covers policy, administrative
and general guideline topics. The second is devoted entirely to topics
covered in Mr. Hogberg's "On the World Scene." Topics in both sections
are listed in alphabetical order by subject. We feel the index should
fulfill close to 99 percent of the typical minister's PGR reference
You will find the index stapled to the back of this issue. Being on
the back, it is easy to remove for those who wish to file it in a
separate location. Otherwise, it is convenient to leave it attached to
this issue. That way you can always remember that the first issue of
each year contains the index for the previous year.
Prayer Request Mr. Filidor Illesca, local elder in Temuco, Chile, died
this past Monday, January 7, of kidney failure after a long illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Illesca had no children.
Mr. Illesca was serving God's Church in Santiago when he was ordained a
deacon in 1974 and an elder in 1976. He was employed by the Church in
·1976 and continued serving in Santiago until 1980, when he was moved to
Ternuco. Mr. Illesca was 74.
Please pray for his widow, Edith, that God will grant her peace and
strength in this critical time.
Mr. Mario Seiglie, pastor of the
Santiago, Chile church, will conduct Mr. Illesca's funeral.