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they may often neglect or avoid doing it}.
receiving correction from those over them,
government and responsibility breaksaown.
But when it comes to
their understanding of
God has placed all of us under government.
The local church, the
deacons, elders, associates and assistants are under the spiritual care
and responsibility of the pastor. In turn the pastors are under the
care and responsibility of Church Administration. And it is under the
authority of Mr. Armstrong. And Mr. Armstrong is under the authority
of Jesus Christ, who is under the authority of God the Father.
When anyone along that line of authority needs correction, it must be
given if growth is to occur. As any of us needs to be able to receive
correction properly, we are also to give it properly.
Some former ministers seemed to think Mr. Armstrong never got
corrected. Their spiritual understanding was so limited they could not
see the ways God works with His leader. And they seemed to think that
Mr. Armstrong never corrected their boss.
I can tell you that is
Mr. Armstrong knows how to be corrected an how to give
correction. And he does not neglect his responsibility.
Mr. Armstrong has often stated that the important factor in correction
is the attitude. After all, the purpose of correction is to help, not
to hinder! To encourage a person to change, to grow. If the attitude
is godly and responsive, great compassion, patience and mercy can and
should be displayed. But if, on the other hand, the attitude is one of
self-justification, stubbornness or even belligerence and resentment,
then action must be taken according to God's instruction in His Word.
We must exercise mercy and compassion even as God does. We should be
pray'Ing for it and growing in it. But we must also be close enough to
God to be able to exercise godly action in love when necessary.
Pray for wisdom, for discernment and for an understanding heart. And
also pray for the mind of Jesus Christ, to be clothed in humility and
to be able to take correction in a right attitude or appreciation for
it, so that you will be able to give it prudently as well. The apostle
Paul gave specific instruction on this subject in I Timothy 5: 1-2
Do not rebuke an older man, but exhort him as a father, the
younger men as brothers, the older women as mothers, the
younger as sisters, with all purity.
I pray daily for you ministers and your wives, as I know Mr. Armstrong
I care about your success, your future, your growth and your
value to God. I want to see you fully maximized in your ability to
serve God's people and to fulfill your calling. And God cares far more
than any of us, as mere human beings, are even able to.
I wrote some time ago about guarding against the potential of falling
into the attitude of being willing to criticize or run down
headquarters--whether about decisions, policies or personalities==In
conversation with others. This subtle, satanic trap is a roadblock to
being able to accept correction in a godly attitude and therefore to
grow properly. When we become the judges of our superiors, we lose the