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In the Middle East, following unprecedented growth in the "Plain
Truth" file, new subscribers are being held and not added immediately
to the file, since budgetary limitations do not permit us to fulfill
all these requests. Even with these measures, the January 1986 circu­
lation is up 21.4 percent over the January 1985 issue. The "Good
News" list has increased by 171.S percent in the last year, and "Youth
85" by 468 percent!
Mr. Chukwudi, a full-time minister in Nigeria, appears to be getting
weaker and suffers from swelling in both legs and feet, headaches and
a persistent cough. Speaking has also become a problem for him. He
very much needs the prayers of the Church.
At the end of December Mr. Steve LeBlanc will be leaving Kenya to
return to serve in the United States and will be working in Pasadena.
Mr. John Andrews, a 1983 graduate of Ambassador College, has now begun
to assist Mr. Willis in Kenya with a view to taking a fuller role when
Mr. LeBlanc leaves. He has gone to Kenya on an initial trial basis to
enable him to acclimatize himself with that part of the world, and to
see if he will be able to fit into the very different life-style he
will find in East Africa.
--Joseph Tkach, Chu�ch Administration
•p1ain Truth• Meeting As usual in Pasadena, the influx of a million
people here for the Rose Bowl game and Rose Parade signals the begin­
ning of 1986. In Editorial, we have just had our May "Plain Truth"
planning session and are finishing up the April magazine.
We are
already well into another productive new year.
Our April cover will illustrate Jeff Zhorne's article on racial pre­
judice, a significant and sensitive issue around the world. In May we
will continue with chapter 6 of Mr. Armstrong's book "Mystery of the
Ages." We also have Mr. Armstrong's approval to run an article he
wrote years ago, but which is still right up to date, "Why Russia Will
Not Invade America!"
SAARC Conference
Keith Stump has returned from his two-week trip to
Bangladesh for the SAARC Conference, where he helped represent Mr.
Armstrong at the first-ever meeting of south Asian heads of govern­
ment. He reported that he was constantly amazed and inspired by how
many government officials recognized Mr. Armstrong's name and.knew of
his message and the Church.
In the summit, Mr. Stump said, the seven leaders displayed a genuine
spirit of friendship and understanding, and a deep conviction to
uplift the lives of the people of their troubled and violence-prone
region. Mr. Stump said the goals and aspirations set forth by the
leaders were admirable. How to put words into deeds, however, will be
a major challenge, he said. A full report of Mr. stump's trip will
appear in the January 13 edition of "The Worldwide News."