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have happen. But I'll tell you, there's a Satan, and he's got power
to sway men's minds.
I had heard about it in a rumor from Mr. Frank Brown. And you know what
I told Mr. Brown? I said, "Whoever told you that could happen is a
liar. You go back and tell him he is a liar. That could never be done
in the courts here." Then, before long, I had another call from him.
He said, "I tell you, I heard it again! Could you at least check it
out?" I said, "I wouldn't even dignify it by checking it out. It
could never happen!" But it did happen!
They got into court even though the court rules say that if you're
going to come in and try to have any action taken against anybody, you
must give them a minimum of four hours notice, so they can at least come
in and explain what they're going to do.
Now what they asked for was--in every piece of law I checked--was the
most extreme, possible remedy that could ever be exacted on anybody.
That is to have somebody appointed to walk in and take charge of every­
thing--I mean buildings, assets, records, everything owned--and run
it! This is something that the law says is so extreme, considering our
constitution and our means of law, that you just virtually can hardly
ever get it done with notice. But they walked in and they qot it done
without even giving us notice!
If they only had given us notice, we could have come in and explained
the lies and the petitions that they filed, and the erroneous affidavits
containing conclusions. They said, "Oh, they are shredding files."
But tell me; who saw whom shred a file? Who? Nobody! A minister in
charge of a church (and this will tell you then how much credence you
can give this man--supposed to be leading a flock here but taking God's
money} and he files an affidavit on this. He says, "Oh, a lot of people
told me files were being shredded." But he didn't give one single
example. It's the same man that says, "Oh, I'm a relative of Mr.
Armstrong. I can tell you, he is senile."
I can stack up articles--and that's what we did for the attorney that
had to go into court because we couldn't since we were named as defend­
ants--that Mr. Armstrong had written in the last couple of months--more
than the other man had written all his life. And he's supposed to be
senile! All you've got to do is talk to him and you'll find out.
I don't want to keep downing people, but you have to understand who the
loyal people are. That's the only reason I'm going to mention names
here. My first thought when I learned who had filed the suit was, "Look,
these people have been disfellowshipped--Mr. Wayne Cole, I'll get him
on the line because we've got to...then I realized these people had not
yet been disfellowshipped, as I understood. They may not have been
because of the policy that was established by Mr. Ted Armstrong that we
don't put anybody out of the Church.
And, as a consequence, regardless
of how wicked or wrong they are, the thing festers and festers and
festers. This is contrary to Mr. Herbert Armstrong's long standing
instructions that say you've got to keep the Church clean, and if a
person causes division, you put him out. But that rule was changed,
so it permitted these people to say they were members, and be able to
file this suit.