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So I tried to call Mr. Cole. Where is he? I was going to ask could
you disfellowship these people? The greatest battle in God's Church
is taking place now. They have police up there in the Administration
building. They're going to take al£ the files, and I can't find Mr.
Cole. Where's the general? Where's the captain? He's gone. He's
disappeared. Well, later we found out he went to see Mr. Herbert
Armstrong. He'd left, but no one would tell us where he was. He comes
back with a certain document appointing himself in charge of certain
things that enabled him to end up all of a sudden "in charge of the
Okay, we didn't know that at first. All these pieces didn't all fall
together at once. You see what I'm getting at? There's a little snatch
of information here, a little snatch there; this is unusual, that's
strange, so on and so forth.
The Receiver was here. He was appointed. He took charge of everything.
Although I think he is a responsible man, he went far beyond any
authority that could ever be given to him by a court of law, and that _
was exemplified here just recently /at the Friday, January 5th hearing/
in this court order.
We have no concerns with somebody looking at our records. The Internal
Revenue had just spent eighteen months going through our records.
There's nothing to hide in the records. In fact, what they attached to
their petition was our records! That was supposed to be the sneaky
thing--we had records! And they attached a copy of the Pastor's Report
where all the information had been sent to all the pastors in the field.
It wasn't somebody saying, "Hey, I've got some secret, inside information
that nobody knows about." It was their own records they had cited.
The Attorney General had full authority to come in and say, "I'd like
to look at your records." We could say, "Here, sure. Here they are."
But all of a sudden, somebody is banging on the door and wants to take
those records. With a little bit of thinking later, it began to fall
in place today and I mentioned it. Those records are our salvation
here insofar as a physical matter is concerned because they show that
no wrong has been done. But now, all of a sudden, dissident Church
members were going to get their hands on these records and could carry
them out of this building. And I began to see that, once they
accomplished that, we would lose the very protection that showed that
we're innocent. Do you see that?
And you know what they said? The only evidence they had was that we had
a file shredder some place. Well, Mr. Rader didn't even know it. I
didn't know it. We were ready to even put in an affidavit that we don't
even have a file shredder. We learned that there was a little waste­
basket-like one in Mr. Ted Armstrong's office all along.
Then when we were in court, rumor comes out, "Mr. Henry Cornwall has
taken $52,000,000 from the Work--$52,000,000! Now, how do you even
carry that much out?! But you see, how in the world are you going
show such things to be false if your records are gone? How can you
do it? For example, they said the Big Sandy property was worth 30
million dollars!
The only basis they had was a newspaper article.
That's all they had. I tell you, we'd sell it tomorrow for 30 million! Do