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they find out what kind of ball game they are in.
So now it is a
changed ball game.
And all those people that have been taking the pot
shots at us with impunity, they are going to find that it is a dif­
ferent game.
And we are all armed with the whole armor of God.
I think you will find that God's Work will prevail.
But Mr. Helge,
can you fill them in, in a one, two, three, four-step manner, so they
understand a little bit more thoroughly what has happened?
All right.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I was in Tucson working on a case, and returning
airport when I received a call.
I picked up the
frantic voice say: "What am I going to do?
They're banging on the door.
They're banging on
all the files.
They want everything in
Virginia Kineston.
home, walking in the
phone and heard a
am I going to do?
the door.
They want
That happened to be
Now, whatever limitations Virginia Kineston may have, I'll tell you,
I have come to admire her stamina in the way she held out, because they
were banging on the locked door to the Executive suite and they were
threatening to take the files, and to put her in jail.
But she held out
I'll tell you, I could see it was a battle.
If I could just bring the
point home that we are fighting Satan!
This is a battle, and I mean a
Satan has stirred up an attack on God's Church.
Since that banging on the door we've been awake consistently for three
days except for only a couple of hours of sleep, trying to fight this
But God is on His throne in Heaven, and there are so many
things we could tell as to the way He made circumstances work out for
Well, at that point we came back.
We found that a suit had been filed,
and that certain people had gone out and had themselves appointed,
under the Attorney General.
This "Attorney General" happened to be a
deputy that was rather antagonistic to us (I know because he called me
one time and I could tell his attitude just by the tone of his voice).
He had read something in a paper and was just a little bit embittered.
So the dissidents got to him, and he took certain steps in their
behalf, saying in effect, "Okay, I'll kind of give you authority so
it looks as though the State Attorney General is doing it, you see,
so the people of California will be the plaintiffs.
My question con­
stantly is:
"If there has been a wrong done, why do you pick dissidents
from the Church--disfellowshipped Church members to come and file the
Why don't you, Attorney General, have enough guts to do it
Why didn't you do it yourself?"
That's a question that has
to be answered.
Then what happened?
They had certain documents, went to court, and
sold the court on something that I thought would never happen.
talk to every attorney, and they will tell you it is impossible to