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the PV arrived, as well as the city and country of destination. These
cards are being processed to determine the efficiency of mail delivery
from the United Kingdom.
Bible lectures take place in three countries
Lectures were conducted for the first time ever in tropical Panama and
lofty Bolivia on June 29-30 and July 26-28, respectively. Mr. Mauricio
Perez conducted lectures at the Panama Hilton where 49 attended, of
which 30 were new people. Response was 7 I of the PV mailing list.
Mr. Perez said that the group was very enthusiastic, and that several
people showed serious interest in the Church.
Subscribers in La Paz, Bolivia (elevation: 12,000 ft./3,636 meters)
were delighted to hear Mr. Reginald Killingley, a native of La Paz, as
he delivered lectures to an incredible turnout of 597, of which 316
were new people -- a 24.6 I response. The two new membe-rs in Bolivia
were there to help Mr. Killingley and his assistant Mr. Wilfredo Saenz,
and, were deeply inspired by this new forward step in God's Work. PV
circulation in Bolivia. is now 2,570 compared to under 50 a few years
Mr. Herbert Cisneros conducted his ninth Bible lecture since mid-1983
in Guatemala City August 10-11 at Hotel Ritz Continental. A total of
185 new people heard him deliver two powerful messages. Mr. Cisneros
reported that at least 15 Protestant pastors were present, and that
more than 30 I of those attending had attended one or both of the
lectures he held in Guatemala in 1983 and 1984. Mr. Leon Walker was
present at the second lecture when Mr. Cisneros told the group that
obedience to the Ten Commandments is necessary. Mr. Cisneros will give
four more lecture series this year.
PV circulation rebounds; 200,000 level to be reached
After dipping to 174,000, PV circulation has climbed and is ready to go
over 200,000. The September issue was sent to 188,172 subscribers in
105 nations. Because very few subscribers are due to be dropped off
the list, the November-December issue should be sent to about 200,000,
and the January 1986 issue to 205,000.
GN circulation steadies; offer sent to 35,000 in four countries
Circulation figures for the Spanish GN were 12,786 and 10,253 respec­
tively, for the June-July and August issues. Circulation should rise
significantly as 35,000 GN offer letters will be sent this month to
Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain and Portugal. As many as 7,000 responses
could be generated from this mailing.
Editorial update
Since November 1980, typesetting input of all Spanish magazines, CC
lessons, booklets, reprints and co-worker letters has been done inter­
nally by Spanish Department personnel. In December 1984 the Spanish
Department became the first area outside Publishing to begin working
with the Bedford typesetting system. This not only has allowed the
Spanish Department to become familiar with the new system, but our
installation has also served as a test site for future remote installa­
tions of the Bedford computers Cnow well under way).