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Pastors should introduce these tapes enthusiastically,
pointing out the unifying quality of all God's people hearing the same
message. Brethren should see clearly the pastor's support and backing
of Mr. Armstrong and Headquarters in the way he carries out this
CA simple •well, we have another tape this week• is
not the way it should be done.)
The safety of God's people and the Feast sites in the path of Hurricane
Elena have been in our prayers this past week. I have spoken with
several pastors along the Gulf Coast and learned that damage has been
minimal to members' property, although we don't have all the facts yet.
We'll have more details later in The Worldwide News.
The Feast facilities in St. Petersburg, Pensacola and Biloxi were
spared any serious damage and the Feast is still •go• in each of these
sites. Biloxi was hit hardest, and many housing establishments were
destroyed. At this point it still looks like most of the major hotels
our people use are in good condition. Brethren who were scheduled to
stay in now-damaged rooms will be reassigned to other housing •.
On another subject, the Festival Office receives letters each year
praising Church members for their good conduct at the Feast of
Tabernacles. Unfortunately, we also occasionally receive a report that
doesn't conform to our expectations. This type of complaint is usually
from the owner or manager of a hotel, claiming that one of our members
abused or damaged property.
Some have told ·stories of noisy,
boisterous conduct by members, of disregard for hotel rules, or of
damaged beds and furnishings that have cost hundreds of dollars to
Not only is this type of report embarrassing to deal with at the time,
it can also greatly damage a developing relationship with a hotel.
Negotiating for rooms at good rates for next year's Feast can become
very difficult after such an incident.
Hotel personnel are quite aware of our presence since we spend much of
our time in the rooms, hallways, restaurants and recreational areas.
They see our attitude and conduct close-up for eight days or more. We
have responsibility before God to set a right Christian example at all
times. So let's all be extra conscious of being tidy and clean with
our belongings, careful with the furnishings in hotels, and respectful
of the need of quiet, well-mannered conduct by children and adults
International News
From Leon Walker; Incoming mail at record pace due to special card
Through the end of July the Spanish Department received at its 16
mailing addresses 244,097 pieces of mail. This is well ahead of the
pace of the record year 1983, when 300,021 pieces were received. This
surge in mail is due to a •mail inquiry• card inserted in the first
five issues of La Pura Verdad printed in England. Nearly 60,000 of
these cards have been sent in by subscribers, and many more are
expected. The card asks the subscriber to inform us of the date when