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On Sunday, May 26, Pentecost services were held in five locations in the
German-speaking area. Overall attendance was 781 . There was no increase
in the overall offering due to the large offering we had last year.
It is always very encouraging and exciting for us to have visitors from
Headquarters. In May we also had a visit from Mr. Ron Kelly and Mr. Gene
Hogberg, who were here for the Economic Summit in Bonn. While in Europe,
they also went to Bitburg and Strasbourg for President Reagan's headline­
making visits there. We are now looking forward to the group of Ambassador
College students, headed by Mr. Richard Paige and accompanied by Mr. Larry
Salyer and his family, who will all be visiting Bonn on their way to the
Jerusalem Dig. We will also receive visits by Mr. Ralph Helge and his wife
and then Mr. Roger Lippross, Don Patrick and Peggy Warkentin from Publish­
ing Services in Pasadena to install our new Bedford electronic pagination
system in the middle of June.
Besides all of the above-mentioned activity, our Mail Processing Department
was kept very busy with responses from the 100,000 second renewals that
were sent out this month to our PT readership.
To conclude a full and busy month, May was our first month for a pilot pro­
gram for PLAIN TRUTH newsstand distribution, which was headed by Wade
Franssen, assistant to office manager John Karlson. Newsstands were set up
in three Bonn, which will be monitored during the next several
From Mr. Stan Bass
Mr. Leroy Neff, treasurer and evangelist in God• s
Church, visited the Caribbean region during the Days of Unleavened Bread.
After spending Passover in Miami, Mr. Neff and his wife Maxine went to
Kingston, Jamaica. There Mr. Charles Fleming, pastor of the Kingston con­
gregation, and I met the Neffs.
In Jamaica, Mr. Neff spoke to the local church on the first day of Unleav­
ened Bread. This marked the beginning of a trip that would take the Neffs
to the regional office in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and provide speaking op­
portunities in the churches in Puerto Rico, Barbados, Trinidad and the
French congregation in Martinique. In Barbados, Mr. Neff and I partici­
pated in the ordination of Mr. Charles Lowe to the rank of local church
elder. While in San Juan, Mr. and Mrs. Neff visited the recently leased
facilities of the regional office.
At each of the stops in the region, Mr. Neff updated the brethren on the
then recent visit of Queen Sirikit to the campus in Pasadena, and showed the
brethren a picture of the golden peacock that Her Majesty gave to Mr. Arm­
strong. And in each church area, the Neffs had the opportunity to have
dinner with the ministers and other employees of the Church.
Nine ministers and wives of the Caribbean region, including local church
elder Edward Straughan, met in San Juan for a Ministerial Conference, April
29 through May 2. I was able to bring them up to date on the subjects that
were covered at the Regional Directors Conference in January. Everyone en­
joyed the opportunities for fellowship during the conference.
We are all excited about the addition of a new television station in the
region: Aruba TV station TeleAruba.
Viewers of TeleAruba have already