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International News
From Mr. Frank Schnee The biggest event of May was Mr. Herbert W. Arm­
strong's visit to the German-speaking area. My wife Esther and I greeted
Mr. Armstrong as he arrived in Munich from Israel on Thursday, May 16.
On Friday, May 17, Mr. Armstrong met with Otto von Habsburg, who brought
along his youngest son. At least one hour of the meeting was recorded on
video tape by our television crew.
On the Sabbath, Mr. Armstrong spoke to over 530 brethren from all over the
German-speaking area in the Cherubim Hall of Munich's Hotel Vierj ahreszei­
ten (Four Seasons). He began by commenting on the Church choir's special
music "Let There Be Peace On Earth," then proceeded to give a very encourag­
ing sermon reassuring us that we have the truth and that world peace will
come soon. Mr. Armstrong also whetted everyone's appetite by outlining for
us his new book, MYSTERY OF THE AGES. The German audience was also thrilled
to hear him speak a few words of German he had learned some 70 years ago.
That evening Mr. Armstrong hosted a dinner for all the German ministers and
their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis La Ravia, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Dean and the
copilot, Mr. Larry Dietrich, who is a local elder in Long Beach, were also
On Sunday, Mr. Armstrong made an unscheduled visit to Nuremberg before fly­
ing on to Paris. In Nuremberg Mr. Armstrong visited the site of Hitler's
giant rallies, while the film crew recorded the scenes for. future televi­
sion broadcasts on prophecy.
In Paris my wife and I joined Mr. Armstrong and then flew with him to
Prague, Czechoslovakia. This was Mr. Armstrong's first visit to Czechoslo­
vakia. He had recently been invited by Jaroslav Gebert, manager for for­
eign travel and conventions in the official government tourist agency CEIX>K
[ pronounced CHE-dok ].
In Prague Mr. Armstrong was given a private boat
trip on the Vltava River (Moldau) and an extensive sightseeing tour of the
Mr. Armstrong also visited Konopiste Castle, about 40 kilometers
outside of Prague. The last residents of Konopiste were Francis Ferdinand
and his wife Sophia of the Habsburg line. It was Francis Ferdinand and his
wife who were assassinated at Sarajevo in 1914, triggering World War I.
During his stay, Mr. Armstrong met with Vaclav Pleskot, president of CEDOK,
who gave a dinner for Mr. Armstrong and his party. Mr. Pleskot was formerly
ambassador to France and Algeria, and is active in sports and environmental
affairs. He was mainly responsible for making volleyball an official Olym­
pic sport.
Mr. Pleskot thoroughly enjoyed looking through the ENVOY and
asked for permission· to visit our Festival in Brno this autumn. Mr. Gebert
remarked that he felt this was only the beginning of many such visits by Mr.
Armstrong to Czechoslovakia.
May saw the arrival of nine Ambassador College students from the Pasadena
and Big Sandy campuses for the German Summer Program. Four of the students
are on the family program and the other five are on the office program.
Those taking part in the family program have the opportunity to stay with a
German family, assist in the local church area, and gain exposure to the
German language. Those on the office program will become familiar with the
work in the office, the German culture and the language. The summer program
is very valuable in developing future manpower for the work of the Church in
the German-speaking area.