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I have enjoyed and cherished each issue of The PLAIN TRUTH re­
ceived during the past year. Please continue my subscription.
Articles that I find helpful to my friends I pass along. I do
this with both of your magazines, whether the article subject be
politics, morals, caring for the aged, educating our young, etc.
Especially helpful now is the series of articles on infant and
child care, since about ten girls in my department are either ex­
pecting or have recently delivered.
Since this child care series is full of interest for so many, is
it possible to obtain a second copy of these magazines that I may
lend out? I am sure that it would occur to some to subscribe as
well. I certainly wish I had had someone giving me advice when I
had my young ones.
D.C. (Miami, FL)
Thank you so much for The PLAIN TRUTH. I'm a mother of four chil­
dren with many problems raising them. I know we aren't alone.
The articles in your magazine have been very helpful. At least I
feel so much better knowing we aren't the only parents with so
many problems. I hope you will continue to print these types of
articles--we need all the help we can get.
C.M. (Madison Heights, MI)
I have been reading The GOOD NEWS and The PLAIN TRUTH for the past
four years. I have found them helpful in developing spiritually
and professionally. I currently work for the Harris County Chil­
dren's Protective Services to stop child neglect and abuse. I
have noticed several of your articles pertaining to family roles,
parenting, and child development. I believe the articles can be
effective tools for the families who are my clients. Will you
please provide me with one copy of every available article in
your files which you think may be useful to me as a social worker?
J.M. (Houston, TX)
I was introduced to The PLAIN TRUTH in October when you featured
"Building Strong Family Ties" and began the articles on child
rearing. Though my children are grown, I am excited about these
articles and have shared them with all the young parents I know.
I look forward to coming magazines.
B.S. (Los Angeles, CA)
All of the articles in The PLAIN TRUTH and GOOD NEWS magazines
have been very good. The articles on the family and child rear­
ing have been very informative. I hope many more people around
the world will be able to come in contact with the Church. Thank
you for giving me the privilege to be a part of giving to others.
R.F. (Smithton, PA)
Thank you very much for providing the finest magazine in the
world free of charge to millions every month. I especially ap­
preciate the articles on the changing years and child rearing be­
cause they will be so valuable to readers who can follow this
practical information and improve their lives, even if they don't
really grasp the spiritual truth of other articles.
A.O. (Kalamazoo, MI)