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The PLAIN TRUTH family relations and child rearing series is an
inspired message for many who have never even known the rudiments
of right family relations. They have been perplexed by the ef­
fects caused by living the wrong way. None but God's "voice cry­
ing in the wilderness" dared to feed the sheep rather than fleece
the flock. The intellectuals and other leaders in modern society
have neither known nor shown the way.
S.D. (Address Unavailable)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
THE MORALITY CONNECTION REVISITED The totalitarian menace secured in Nic­
aragua on the American mainland is creeping ever closer to the U.S. border.
A trade dispute with Japan threatens to disrupt this sensitive relation­
ship--an ominous development. On domestic issues, the U.S. Congress re­
fuses to "bite the bullet" and cut enough bloated social spending programs
to help balance the budget. What is happening to America? Why so much con­
fusion in the halls of Congress? How can the leadership of a small Central
American nation contemptuously thumb their collective noses at a superpower
and get away with it? Why is America's leadership gripped with doubts and
The vast majority of Americans would probably never think that the way they
are living has any connection with the surprising lack of success on the
world stage. But it does. There is indeed a "morality connection," as this
report will show. The nation's collective will is being sapped by an in­
creasingly hedonistic life-style. First of all, here is a cover story,
"The War Against Pornography," which appeared in the March 18, 1985 issue
After a decade of not-so-benign neglect, virtually any adult
American has a license the Lord never allowed the citizens of
Sodom and Gomorrah. Adults can't legally buy a drink in Topeka,
but they have their choice of dirty books and guaranteed "first
run" skin flicks. Porn plays openly in Peoria, a city that sup­
ports two adult-only sex shops.
Always the leading edge, New
York has stores that sell bestiality video cassettes over the
counter•••• With Cable TV and VCR's, adults can see sexual athle­
tics without fear or embarrassment.
And porn did not become a multibillion-dollar business on the
raincoat brigade. "Middle America has gotten heavily into the
consuming end of pornography," says Los Angeles lawyer John Wes­
ton. "That's what's killing the censorship groups. They have
the sense that this is their last stand."•••
Home porn is booming: wherever VCR's go, porn is sure to follow.
"When people buy their tape deck, they buy a kiddie movie for
their child and an X-rated movie for themselves," says Arthur
Morowitz, president of New York's Video Shack chain. "It's the
standard starter kit." He estimates that X-rated films account
for one-fifth of all video sales, and the NEWSWEEK Poll indicates
that 9 percent of all Americans--nearly 40 percent of VCR owners
--bought or rented an X-rated cassette within the last year.