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• 10,000 Worldwide Church of God members voluntarily stock 24,300 PLAIN
TRUTH newsstands. Another 3,000 have helped to answer WATS calls in
the U.S. since 1981.
• Baptized members of the Worldwide Church of God live in 116 of the 201
commonly defined countries/territories.
Waiting Room Renewal Program Highly Successful
On behalf of Publishing Services, several of our WATS operators have been
calling business and professional organizations which receive The PLAIN
TRUTH for their waiting rooms to ask if they would like to renew their sub­
The response has been excellent! Eighty-three percent of the businesses
called thus far (820 out of 988) have renewed their waiting room subscrip­
tions. Some have even asked for additional copies.
Calls are currently being made in the greater Los Angeles area. As time and
budget permit, the program may be expanded to other cities in California
and possibly other states as well.
Some of the comments we've received were quite interesting, as this samp­
ling shows:
A doctor said the magazine was arriving "regular as clockwork. Keep it com­
ing. We put it right out for the patients to read as soon as it comes and
they love it."
A secretary from an auto body shop said, "How on earth can you print a mag­
azine of that quality and afford to give it away free of charge?" She asked
for a second subscription for their office.
When a tire company was called, the woman who answered yelled to those in
the office, "Hey, it's the PLAIN TRUTH lady!" Two people asked for sub­
scriptions to come to their homes.
Tornado Alert Affects Big Sandy WATS Operation
Our WATS operators and staff experienced a few tense moments on Sunday,
April 28, when a tornado alert was in effect. After one was sighted within
ten miles of the campus, employees had to seek shelter in a safer area.
The tornado did not reach the campus and no damage was sustained. Ironical­
ly, the evacuation occurred during a major "ring-through," when many people
were trying to call in. However, most got through later. We estimate that
about 100 calls were lost.
PLAIN TRUTH Child Rearing Series Praised
"The Plain Truth About Child Rearing" series has brought a number of inter­
esting comments. Parents and others found the articles instructive, prac­
tical and filled with wisdom--especially in an age when many true values
have been lost. Some social workers and other professionals wrote that
they have found the information useful. Following are a few of their com­