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lawyers and the list seemed endless. The no's seemed discourag­
ing, but yet, we all knew that it was GOD, not ..!:!.2, opening and
closing doors. There were even humorous experiences, such as a
lady who volunteered to contribute articles, as she was a
"writer." One wanted to know if it was a "squirrelly political
As the weeks turned into months, and we would receive "Results
Analysis," it was encouraging to see the numbers rising and the
percentages increasing. As of April, 1984, phase I in the Denver
area was complete! Forty percent had said yes, which was 2,778
waiting rooms obtained. It was wonderful to be able to partici­
pate in "the Gospel being preached."
But then we heard of phase II! This meant REcalling all those
that had said no in phase I. This would surely be more challeng­
ing, surely more frustrating if people remembered us. But a job
is a job, and once again the weekly goal of "getting your PT calls
in" began. Actually, this was more exciting than phase I. God
was really opening doors and percentages were high. It was quite
thrilling to sit back and be an instrument as God had more and
more people responsible for waiting rooms say "yes." As unbe­
lievable as it may sound, another 1,391 waiting rooms were
obtained, which was 46%. Phase II was complete as of October,
I would strongly encourage anyone who has the opportunity to be a
part of this program. It takes time and effort, and "blood,
sweat and tears," so to speak; but the character it builds will
last forever. Satan, of course, will try to stop and discourage
you at every turn. But as our local minister has told us: "Dis­
cipline yourself to do things you don't particularly care to do."
And seeing "God do a work" is simply an incredible experience.
They're having a luncheon for the ladies that worked on the pro­
gram. My husband teased me that "they'll tell you phase III is
beginning when you get there!" But I know phase III has already
begun. It's praying that God will lead people into those waiting
rooms to read those PTs! And phase IV••.? Well, that will be
when some of those readers are called! How rewarding this pro­
gram has been. Thank you to all of those who made it possible.
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
Work of the Church Continues at Rapid Pace
Encouraging growth in the work of God's Church continues during the first
two months of 1985. Following are the latest trends and statistics for the
United states:
• A record 160,000 WATS calls were received at Pasadena and Big Sandy--
12% more than last year. Most of these were in response to "The WORLD
TOMORROW" telecast.